Chapter 141: Jiraiya hits the sweet moment.

"Tomorrow, I need to go out with the team to perform tasks, and this rest time is quite long."

Red poked the rice in the bowl with chopsticks, and told Yan the news with some trepidation.

She was afraid that Yan would not let her go out to perform tasks and interfere with her work.

"Okay, be careful."

Looking up at Kurenai, Yan nodded and continued to eat, without any intention of interfering with Red.

From another perspective, he also doesn't like others interfering with his work, even if it's a close person.

If Kurenai is willing to stay in the village to rest, Yan is also happy to accept.

And Kurenai's character is very strong, forcibly leaving her in the village, all kinds of interference with her, will only cause a counter-effect.

Yan, who had experienced various emotional problems in his previous life, knew that even if they were lovers, the space that should be left still had to be left.

If there isn't even this bit of trust, it would undoubtedly be tiring for two people to be together, and it might even lead to various conflicts, even arguments.

There are countless examples of couples breaking up because of this.

"By the way, Makino's sentence is eight years, which is the minimum standard. Although the other party started the trouble, he went too far, leading to the other party's death."

Makino's family has given Kurenai a lot of help, let alone the two are now in a romantic relationship, Yan doesn't mind helping where he should.

But to help offend someone, forget it.

"Although eight years is a long time, this is already the best result, thank you."

Kurenai is very happy, she has always been afraid that the police department will make a little fuss, and then Muko will not say going to jail, directly life-threatening.

"Did I hear some incredible secret?"

A voice with a smirk came from outside the window.

Kurenai was startled, stood up alertly, and stared at the person outside the window.

Yan was speechless and wanted to throw the bowl and chopsticks in his hand on the other's face.

"Secret your ass, either come in or get out, the dignified three forbearances, actually like to peep, eavesdrop on others' conversations, do you want to listen to the corner at night?"

What are you talking about!

Kurenai was stunned for a moment, quickly reacted, and glared at Yan.

"Cough cough, let's forget about that kind of thing."

Jiraiya laughed and opened the window and jumped in, looking at the food on the table, rubbing his hands.

The meaning is very clear.

Kurenai's thought for a while, suddenly exclaimed:

"Jiraiya-sama, please sit down, I will help you prepare the bowl and chopsticks."

Looking at Kurenai running into the kitchen, Jiraiya sat next to Yan and sighed:

"You kid has a good eye, but this speed is too fast, when did you get along well, don't even notify."

Yan ignored Jiraiya completely.

"Jiraiya-sama, please take your time."

Kurenai put the bowl and chopsticks well, sat down carefully, Jiraiya laughed: "Then thank you."

He picked up the chopsticks and started eating. After a few bites of rice, he suddenly said:

"To be honest, I am really surprised. I originally thought you would be with Shizune, but I didn't expect to change people suddenly."

"Cough cough!!"

Yan was choked.

You old shameless, you dare to say!!


Kurenai looked at Yan in confusion, was it the very quiet girl in the class when she was in school?

Although they were classmates, Shizune left the village with Tsunade before she graduated, so Kurenai didn't have a deep impression of her.

Yan glared at Jiraiya and gave him a look of you wait.

"Tsunade's little follower, no, it's the secretary of the Fifth Hokage. I knew it before, and the personality is still compatible, so I became a friend."

"Yes, yes, yes, just good friends."

Jiraiya laughed and laughed.

Yan continued: "Unlike our Jiraiya-sama, known as the friend of women, the father of peeping....."

"Cough cough!!!"

Brother, I was wrong, please don't say it, really, I was wrong.

Jiraiya, who almost choked himself to death, decisively surrendeKurenai.

Little one, you come again, see who can't hold on first.

Friend of women, father of peeping.....

Kurenai moved closer to Yan without a trace, and her eyes looking at Jiraiya became strange.

Listening to these titles, I always feel that Jiraiya-sama doesn't look like a good person.

Jiraiya, who was stabbed in the waist, was honest.

The three of them ate quietly. After eating almost, Yan asked, "What's the matter with me?"

Kurenai took the initiative to collect the bowls and chopsticks, walked into the kitchen, and closed the door intimately.

You kid really hit the jackpot!!!

"Why didn't I meet such a good girl when I was young?" Jiraiya was full of envy and jealousy.

"Tsunade is looking for us. I asked the Anbu, so I came over."

If Tsunade is looking for them, there must be something.

Yan stood up and shouted to Kurenai in the kitchen:

"Kurenai, I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back later."

"Okay, be careful, Jiraiya-sama, please take your time."

Kurenai hurriedly ran out and sent the two out of the house.

Looking back at Kurenai, who was standing at the door, waving goodbye to Yan with a smile, Jiraiya felt sour:

"You really have a peach blossom luck (Chinese idiom for being popular with the opposite sex). 

How did you two meet?"

"Well~~ We met because of some misunderstandings. She invited me to a meal, I invited her to a meal, and then that's it."

Yan thought for a moment and answered.


Jiraiya expressed that he was very upset.

"But Kurenai is indeed a good woman. No wonder Asuma was always chasing after Kurenai. Fortunately, I took her away."


People are in trouble, and you're still stabbing them?

"What about Shizune?"

"What does Shizune have to do with it? Don't tell me, I have something with Shizune.

Please, it's just a normal friendship. According to what you said, don't I have something with Hokage-sama?"

"You get lost!!!"

Whatever Kurenai, whatever Shizune, Jiraiya doesn't care. Envy is envy, at most it's just sour in his heart.

But Tsunade is absolutely not allowed.

If you have something with Tsunade, I will smash your head!

I can't be bothered with you, what a mess.

The two stared at each other with their eyes and came to the Hokage office together.

"Why did it take so long?"

It took a long time to wait for someone, Tsunade was very upset.

I just became Hokage, and this is how you two repay me?

I have to wait for a long time if I want to see you?

Behind Tsunade, Shizune silently gestured, telling the two that Tsunade was very angry.

"Ah haha, this...."

Jiraiya, who didn't dare to confront Tsunade, decisively shifted the blame:

"It's all Yan's fault. I went to find him, but this kid was eating at his girlfriend's house and pulled me together, so we were late."


Shizune was stunned, and Tsunade blinked in surprise.

For the three single dogs, the impact of the girlfriend is a bit big.

You're pretty fast.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, didn't say anything, after all, this is Yan's private matter, and it has nothing to do with her.

Shizune's reaction was relatively slow.

Before she could recover, Tsunade had already set up the scene.

"Today I called you two over for the Anbu matter. I'm very troubled. Under the old man's management, Anbu hides a lot of dangers and troubles."

Anbu needs to be rectified.

It's still the kind of big purge.

Jiraiya couldn't help scratching his head, this is really a big trouble.

Yan was surprised that Tsunade would find him for such an important matter.


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