Chapter 143: One sentence of dereliction of duty, do you want to reveal everything again?

At night, Yan held the sweaty Kurenai, looked at the ceiling, and brought up some things that Kurenai didn't want to face.

"The matter of the night of the Nine Tails, and Uchiha has nothing to do, at least that mysterious person is not Uchiha's person."

Yan clearly felt Kurenai's body tense up.

It took a while to relax.

"Yan, it's all in the past, I believe you."

Kurenai didn't want to think about these, it would remind her of some sad things, she snuggled her head into Yan's arms and closed her eyes.

Looked at the person in his arms.

Yan thought to himself: Obito, you should have received the trash in the different space, don't you have any ideas?

Why throw the corpse into the Kamui space instead of completely destroying it?

Because the body was thrown into the Kamui space, it would be noticed by Obito. Given Obito's current character of hating everything, he might sneak into Konohagakure and secretly observe Kakashi's situation.

What Yan needs is for Obito to sneak into Konohagakure, observe Kakashi, and observe Uchiha.

Since it was decided to rectify and clean up, Tsunade directly issued a notice, which had a great impact on the people of Anbu.

Because of some people and some things, they caused Anbu to be questioned and doubted, unable to gain the recognition and trust of Hokage, so they needed to rectify and clean up.

As soon as the notice came down, some people immediately became panicked.

A cleanup targeting Anbu began. On the surface, it calmed the anger of the villagers. The Third Hokage, who had retired to home, also participated in it.

It was Tsunade who invited him out and Jiraiya to be responsible for this matter. Tsunade also wanted to see what kind of monsters and ghosts would pop out.

The result was somewhat unexpected, even embarrassing.

Under the shabby wooden house on the edge of the village, in the hidden secret room, several Anbu people gathered together.

"The first thing Hokage-sama did when he took office was to rectify Anbu and carry out a cleanup. What should we do?"

"We need to find a way to notify Danzo-sama."

"But we can't sneak into Konohagakure prison, Uchiha's people will enter the prison soon, personally watching at Danzo-sama, they won't give us a chance."

There are few possibilities of spies in Anbu, but there are quite a few chess pieces.

This is not the case. As soon as the notice came down, some chess pieces became panicked, such as those man who stuffed in by Danzo.

Since Danzo was locked in Konohagakure prison, their contact with him was completely cut off.

Even the people of the root were cleaned up, those who died died, those who were closed were closed, causing these chess pieces to be headless and could only continue to lurk in Anbu.

Who would have thought that a person who was dissatisfied with the Third Hokage would cause so much trouble?

It made Tsunade unable to trust Anbu.

"It's all because of the bastard, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be facing this situation!!"

"Damn it!!"

"Damn it, we have to find a way to contact Danzo-sama, we can't fail Danzo-sama's trust in us!!"

In the entire Konohagakure, if you want to say who is the most brainwashed, there is no doubt that it is Danzo.

In this aspect of ability, the Third Hokage is not Danzo's opponent.

As long as people who have been brainwashed by the root, they will be loyal to Danzo, and few people can escape this fate.

"Let's go, it's easy to be suspected if the time is too long."

After a simple plan, several people prepared to evacuate, but as soon as they walked out of the secret room, they were dumbfounded, because there were people all around.

Tsunade, the Third Hokage, Jiraiya, and many ninja squads that had been mobilized were waiting for them.

"You guys, you are really good!!"

Tsunade's face was frosty, and her voice was full of endless anger.

Following Yan's advice, Tsunade directly issued the notice, and then she made multiple preparations.

To prevent someone from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

As a result, the person who jumped over the wall in a hurry did not appear, but a lot of chess pieces were forced out.

"Not good!!"

Seeing this situation, the chess pieces knew that the matter had been revealed, and they wanted to run for the first time.

But they were surrounded by layers, and they couldn't run out at all.

Five people, three died in the end, and two were captured.

In the end, after various busy work by the intelligence department, after tossing about for most of the night, the intelligence that Tsunade wanted was finally sent to the Hokage office building.

In the Hokage office, the atmosphere was cold and oppressive.

The Third Hokage kept sighing, Tsunade was expressionless, and Jiraiya could only scratch his head helplessly.

After the intelligence was delivered, Tsunade threw the scroll to the Third Hokage.

"Old man, you see for yourself, I'm not clear how good your feelings with Danzo are, good enough that he can casually insert his hands and pawns into Anbu."

"All of this is my dereliction of duty."

After reading the contents of the scroll, the Third Hokage sighed.


Is it this sentence again, can a sentence of dereliction of duty offset all responsibilities?

Tsunade really wanted to punch him.

Fortunately, she didn't do it.

Tsunade held back her anger and didn't have an outburst, Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

This scene was too dangerous, on one side was Tsunade, on the other side was the Third Hokage, he, Jiraiya, didn't dare to breathe.

"Starting from tomorrow, all small teams of Anbu will go to the intelligence department for interrogation and investigation, I will not allow any disloyal people to stay in Anbu.

In addition, I will cancel a series of good treatments given to Danzo, he does not deserve these."

Tsunade was relatively restrained before.

After catching a lot of pawns from Anbu, Tsunade completely lost patience with the Third Hokage.

Facing the current situation, the Third Hokage has no face to plead for Danzo anymore, can only acquiesce to Tsunade's arrangement.

All of this was done by Danzo himself, and it was also caused by his indulgence.

The Third Hokage left in a daze, Jiraiya grinned and said:

"I used to hear Yan say that Uchiha suffered all kinds of injustices, I always felt that some of them were not real.

Now it seems that every word from them is true, Danzo is really ruthless, in order to target Uchiha, he actually did this, and the third hokage did not stop him."


Fortunately, Uchiha didn't make a fuss, otherwise, if they really fought with the village, even if Uchiha was suppressed, the village would pay a heavy price.

Fortunately, the Uchiha clan has Yan to stand up.

Jiraiya felt relieved.

"It's all just excuses for power!! Hypocritical!! Shameless!!!"

All kinds of intelligence scared Tsunade into a cold sweat.

It's also thanks to Uchiha Fugaku being able to endure, control the situation, and sway from side to side.

If Uchiha has a strong Patriarch in power, they will definitely fight with the village.

Just the measures against the Third Hokage and Danzo, anyone who puts them on will not be able to bear it.

From a side point of view, Fugaku has also stabilized the situation invisibly.

Tsunade dared not imagine, if the Third Hokage and Danzo continue to toss, what kind of ghost will Konohagakure become.

And in the original work, Naruto and their group of little strong grew up after Konohagakure..... it's really hard to say.



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