Chapter 146: Fasting? Then I will see how many days you can fast!

Sometimes Itachi is a person who is not good at expressing, he likes to keep a lot of things in his heart.

So he has been dragging on, thanks to Yan's strong observation, so he took the initiative to bring up this matter.


"You really asked the right person, the whole Uchiha, who dares to say that his Genjutsu is stronger than the captain?"

Enjin grinned, but the smile was a bit grim, after all, people are fierce.

At this time, you don't forget to step on Shisui, you really deserve to be you, Uchiha Enjin.

Enjin and Shisui are considered old rivals, Yan is too lazy to manage the little things between them.

Even if one side concedes and retreats, the other side may not accept it. This kind of targeting may continue.

"About Genjutsu...."

Yan turned the Kunai in his hand, thought for a moment, and said to Itachi:

"To be honest, this question is not easy to answer. Although Shisui and I are both good at Genjutsu, we have two different styles.

Shisui's Genjutsu is unpredictable, and people who fight with him need to guard against his Genjutsu all the time. If you are not careful, you will be hit."

"And Shisui is also good at digging his own advantages, in the battle, using various methods to distract the enemy's attention, such as illusion Body Flicker Jutsu."

"In general, Shisui is a true master of Genjutsu, he is good at many Genjutsu, but I can't, I don't have such a strong talent."

Yan is not praising Shisui and belittle oneself, the fact is the fact, there is no need to step on one and raise one.

Shisui is good at many Genjutsu, Yan is willing to admit defeat in this point.

"Although I don't control many Genjutsu, each one has its own characteristics, and I will continue to dig and improve. Shisui belongs to the comprehensive type, then I am specialized!

I'm not good at many Genjutsu, but one is enough to give the enemy a headache."

"Itachi, no one is perfect, and no one can perfectly replicate other's people achievement. Although you are influenced by Shisui, Shisui is also a good teacher, but what you need to do is to find your own characteristics and style."

"You can learn from others, but you can't copy, because this will limit your upper limit."

Looking for my own characteristics and style, does the captain mean to let me find my own way?

"By the way, remind the logistics people, our Danzo-sama is in a bad mood, which leads to a bad appetite, so don't prepare so much food, otherwise it will be a waste. After all It's all bought with the village's money, what a pity to waste."

I'll make sure you don't even get rice balls to eat.

As for soup and vegetables, forget about them—you're not worthy.

Yan began to fiddle with his little toys, having the clan members stand at the prison cell entrance. They could chat about anything, have a good time, but most importantly, they shouldn't let Danzo have a moment of quiet rest.

For dinner, Yan still discarded all the vegetables, leaving only two rice balls.

However, Danzo didn't show any interest in eating.

He endured the entire day like this, stubbornly.


The next day, when Yan left the rice balls, Danzo coldly snorted but still didn't turn around. Yan decisively saved the rice balls and only left Danzo a soldier pill.

So, you like high quality food, huh? Fine, Danzo, from now on, you'll survive on soldier pills!

Although these little things were quite expensive, consider it Uchiha Yan's treat—I've got it covered.

He was curious to see how long Danzo could hold out.

A person can survive without food for seven days, but without water, only three days.

Ninjas, due to their chakra, have stronger physical endurance than ordinary people. However, they still need to eat; otherwise, their bodies won't hold up over time.

The second day was another day of nagging.

Uchiha members were like a flock of birds that couldn't keep their mouths shut, constantly talking in Danzo's ear, not giving him a moment of proper rest.

Even at night, Yan didn't let Danzo off the hook. He arranged for someone to quietly tap the iron bars with a kunai, creating some disturbance.

"Captain, do you think there might be trouble? I've noticed that the old man doesn't look too good," one of the team members said.

The third day.

Enjin started to worry.

Danzo hadn't eaten anything for two whole days, enduring it, and coupled with inadequate rest, he looked haggard.

Two days without food wasn't the real issue; it was the lack of proper rest that posed the greatest danger.

After all, Danzo wasn't young anymore.

"We've given him food, but he refuses to eat. Whose fault is that?" Yan glanced at the soldier pill on the small platform, sneering.

"Let him continue to endure. Isn't Danzo an expert at making others suffer? Now it's my turn to test how long he can hold out at his age."

Worried that Danzo might starve?


Even if you starve to death, I won't care. At most, I'll write a reprimand.

Besides, I've left food for you; if you don't want to eat it, it's your problem.

"If there's nothing else, go knock on the door. Don't disturb me."

Yan continued with his own tasks, and Enjin had no choice but to leave, relaying Yan's message to the others.

"The captain said not to worry about this old man starving to death. He's been given food, but he refuses to eat—that's his business. Let him starve!"

Enjin intentionally raised his voice, making sure Danzo heard.

Don't think that starving yourself will intimidate anyone. Let's see how long you can endure, Danzo.

In any case, feel free to starve; nobody will care about you.

After giving these instructions, Enjin found that tapping the bars with a kunai made too little noise, so he kicked them instead, grinning.

Inside the cell, Danzo opened his eyes, locking his fierce gaze onto Enjin.

But this move didn't faze Enjin, who grinned and said, "I'll be back later."

Creating disturbances at irregular intervals—after all, Danzo shouldn't get any proper rest.

"Mission accomplished!"

After three days of effort, Yan had finally completed a wooden water gun. When the team saw what Yan had assembled, they exchanged puzzled glances.

The captain had worked hard for three days, and this was what he came up with?

"Your water bucket will come in handy now. Go fetch two buckets of water," Yan signaled to Itachi.

At this moment, Itachi really wanted to roll his eyes.

He had been pondering what Yan was up to. As a result, after three days of fussing, Yan made a water gun and even had him dig two wooden buckets...

While feeling speechless, Itachi obediently fetched two buckets of water.

Yan filled the water and aimed it at the motionless Danzo in the cell. Danzo, who seemed like a wooden stake, effortlessly dodged it as if he had eyes behind his back.

Feeling humiliated, Danzo glared fiercely at Yan.

Yan, like a chuunibyou teenager, held the water gun and gestured to Danzo:

"Take the soldier pill, or I'll spray you all day today. Let's see how long you can hide. I have plenty of time to play with you."

You're dreaming!

Danzo remained unmoved, demonstrating through actions and attitude that he wouldn't be manipulated.

"You've got backbone; I like that."

Yan enjoyed Danzo's proud expression and the murderous look in his eyes.

"You guys, starting today, you don't need to use the toilet. Pee into the wooden bucket for me. I plan to fertilize our Danzo-sama from tomorrow."


Is this for real?

The group was dumbfounded.


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