Chapter 148: Haven't you sucked enough of Konohagakure's blood?

"Next, I will strongly support the development of the Medical Department. If the two elders have time to worry about the Logistics Department and the Finance Department, it would be better to think about how to rectify the Medical Department and come up with a plan for the development of the Medical Department."

Not directly targeting the Medical Department means that Tsunade is showing mercy.

She can't forget, when she proposed to expand the Medical Department and strengthen the training of medical ninjas, what kind of faces these two elders had.

"Tsunade, you're too impulsive and reckless. If you do this, the village's financial funds won't be able to support it."

Utatane Koharu, who had lost her momentum, began to speak more tactfully.

Unfortunately, Tsunade will not accept such persuasion.

"This is something I should handle and be responsible for, so the two elders don't need to worry.

With the funding from the Daimyo's office, the village's finances have been relieved.

It's enough to rectify and develop the Medical Department.

"In addition, I need to temporarily suspend the funding for the support of civilian ninjas."


Upon hearing this, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu were both shocked.

This is much bigger than the impact of taking away the management of the Finance Department and the Logistics Department.

You must know that the Third Hokage implemented this plan for decades before it reached today's scale, and Tsunade directly called a halt.

This has a big impact on the village.

At least it has a big impact on some families, such as Sarutobi, and then Shimura, and even the families behind the two elders, will also be greatly affected.

It's still the same sentence, the growth of ninjas, in addition to talent, also requires a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate.

And the funds spent on cultivating ninjas are an astronomical figure. Every year, the funds invested in this area by Konohagakure are a huge expenditure.

Now that the plan is shelved and stopped, it means that the families that rely on this support plan to alleviate financial tension are going to suffer.

Like the Sarutobi clan.

When Konohagakure village was established, the Sarutobi clan joined Konohagakure with many small family alliances. At that time, the Sarutobi clan was just a medium-sized family, and neither its strength nor its heritage could compare with the big families.

Over the years, the Sarutobi clan has developed crazily, and the number of family ninjas has increased dramatically, many times over.

The increase in the number of ninjas means the growth of the Sarutobi clan, and the corresponding sequelae will also be exposed.

it's not easy to support so many ninjas,

Once the stable source of funds is severed, the entire Sarutobi clan will be in dire straits.

The common ninja support program serves as the stable financial lifeline for these families. If it were to be halted, it would be enough to make the profit-seeking families leap in anger.

Unlike the well-established clans like Hyuga and Uchiha, they lack substantial family legacies and vast family industries.

The rupture of funds implies the need to seek new avenues.

"Tsunade, you cannot do this. It is related to Hiruzen's support program, and the consequences of your actions..."

Utatane Koharu's voice trembled as she urgently spoke, and Mitokado Homura was left dumbfounded.

At this moment, they no longer cared about the finance department or logistics; something even more perilous was unfolding.

"The consequence of doing this is that the profit-seeking families behind the support program will lose their stable income, correct?"

Tsunade's suppressed anger flared up. She slammed the desk and roared:

"Have you vampires not sucked enough blood? Or do you fail to comprehend what I am saying? Do I need to present evidence?"

"How many common ninjas benefit from this plan? You don't think it's solely due to Konohagakure's large population of common ninjas, do you?"

"That's merely a result of Konohagakure's extensive population base."

"The words are here. If you're unwilling, it's not my concern. If you have any complaints, go find the old man. I hope he can come up with a solution to your difficulties. I'd be pleased to witness such an outcome."

"But the plan must be halted!"

"Madness! You're insane! Absolutely unreasonable!"

Utatane Koharu spun around in distress, and Mitokado Homura wore a bitter expression.

"I'll go find Hiruzen. Tsunade, your thinking is absolutely wrong."

They couldn't remain in the Hokage's office any longer. Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura hurriedly left.

They needed to seek out the Third Hokage, hoping he would stand up for them and provide justice.

"This is driving me crazy."

Tsunade forcefully threw the scroll on the table to the ground, then sat in her chair, arms crossed.

Shizune quickly began tidying up and poured a glass of water for Tsunade.

"Hokage-sama, please don't get angry over these matters."

"How can I not be angry?"

Tsunade raised her hand in pain, supporting her forehead. Her left hand instinctively tapped the desk:

"It's all a mess, full of loopholes, problems everywhere. Can I not be angry?"

"Anbu has problems, the finance department and logistics department have problems, and now, even the so-called common ninja support program has problems. What is this?"

"This is deception, it's a lie."

Tsunade couldn't fathom the consequences if the common ninja support program were exposed, revealing its true purpose to the villagers. It would be explosive.

The entire Konohagakure, and even the Land of Fire, would be in turmoil.

Fortunately, the previous landmines didn't touch upon this plan; otherwise, Konohagakure would truly descend into chaos.

So Tsunade needed to cut through the tangled mess, directly terminating this plan as a precautionary measure. She wanted to prevent a potential explosion.

Once they got through this immediate crisis, it wouldn't matter if it surfaced later.

Because the new support plan could be smoothly executed, and although the benefits weren't substantial, they would be sufficient to quell the villagers' anger.

"Damn it, none of them are good people!"

Tsunade thought this mess was already terrifying enough, but little did she know that her worldview would continue to be elevated and shattered.

Her perspective was constantly being dismantled.

And the culprits behind all of this were the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, Utatane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura.

"The elders council must be restrained."

Tsunade realized that the Elder Council's influence was too extensive; this couldn't continue.

The power of the Elder Council is too concentrated. Whatever the two advisory elders say goes, they practically represent the entire Elder Council. This important group has become their monologue.

"It's really rotten to the core."

As she spoke, Tsunade couldn't help but laugh.

"Right, send someone to notify Jiraiya....."

At this point, Tsunade paused and said dejectedly, "Forget it, this idiot is probably still having a good time somewhere. Send someone to notify Uchiha Yan and ask him to come to the Hokage office."


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