Chapter 167 Tsunade: Danzo, it's better to die than to live!


Danzo looked down at his chest incredulously.

Blood spurted out along the wound, already staining his clothes red.


Feeling life leaving him, Danzo laughed instead:

"Evil Uchiha brat, you are also distracted, hehehehe.....uh."

Danzo, whose heart was pierced, laughed unwillingly, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

"You are indeed a trash."

Yan muttered to himself, pulled out the Ninja Sword that pierced Danzo's heart, turned around like lightning and stabbed down, pulling the Ninja Sword down with force.


With a scream, Danzo, who was trying to sneak attack from behind Yan, had his entire right hand pierced by the Ninja Sword, and it was cut into two halves.

What made Danzo even more panicked was that several Sharingan that had not been used were already wasted.

Gripping Danzo's throat and lifting him up, Yan said without expression:

"Do you think, if it weren't for these troublesome eyes, I would waste time with you here?

Even the Second Pillar could make you, a waste who jumps around like a chicken, what do you have to fight with me, Uchiha Yan?"


Who is the Second Pillar, Danzo doesn't know, he only knows that he is really finished.

After a spin in his brain, Danzo, who didn't have time to use Izanagi, found himself sitting on a small stool.

Looking at the familiar space and the familiar mode, Yan laughed, very happily.

What is this place?

Why am I here?

Casually picking up a Kunai from the table, Yan blew a breath at the Kunai:

"This is my Genjutsu space, Will Judgment!

It was here that Orochimaru honestly sold the information I needed.

Danzo, as a person of Uchiha, what I want to tell you is that Izanagi is not perfect, and this pupil technique also has a big flaw."

"Think about it carefully, when your consciousness collapses, your soul is damaged, and you don't even have autonomous consciousness, do you think Izanagi can save you?"


The Kunai pierced Danzo's middle finger, like a large toothpick, it went straight through the bone and flesh, and Danzo's left middle finger was split in half.


The piercing and sharp wailing erupted in the space, the pain deep into the soul made Danzo unable to control himself.

He has never experienced such pain.

For Orochimaru, Yan still had some feelings, and didn't directly give him ten times the pain stimulus.

But when dealing with Danzo, there is no need to be polite.

Just go straight ten times and finish the job, let him Danzo enjoy it quickly, this pleasant pain torture.

"The second one."

Raising two fingers, Yan swung the Kunai and cut off Danzo's second finger.

Then the third, the fourth...

Not giving Danzo time and opportunity to alleviate the pain at all.

The tenfold magnified pain deep into the soul almost shattered Danzo's will.

Sitting on the small stool, his body almost convulsed, and his intact left eye kept rolling up.

Maybe it was uncomfortable to see this eye, Yan casually sent the Kunai into his eye socket.

"Your voice is very unpleasant, so...."


The root of the tongue and the vocal cords were cut off, Yan directly deprived Danzo of the opportunity to make a sound.

One, two..... Yan's speed is very fast, not as leisurely as torturing Orochimaru.

The Kunai in his hand kept falling on Danzo, he needed Danzo to always fall into this pain that goes straight into the soul and could not escape.

When blood was all over Danzo, Danzo had completely lost his movement.

People are not dead, but the will has collapsed, and the soul has also been seriously injured.

Leaving the will space, Yan raised his knife and cut off Danzo's right arm.

Looking at the pale face of Senju Hashirama on his shoulder, Yan couldn't help shaking his head:

"You are really miserable."

The continuous use of Mangekyou's pupil technique consumes a lot of pupil power.

Fortunately, his pupil power can recover slowly, and he won't become blind, just his eyes are a bit sour.

Danzo, who lost his right arm, lay motionless on the ground, Yan sat on the steps, waiting for someone to clean up the mess.

Not long after, accompanied by a chaotic footsteps, Tsunade rushed up with people.

When she saw Yan sitting on the steps and Danzo lying on the ground covered in blood, Tsunade was stunned:

"Did you kill him?"

A few seconds later, Tsunade, who reacted, quickly turned around.

She didn't want to see the blood all over the floor, even if she was constantly trying to overcome it.

But her blood phobia has not yet been cured, so she still feels uncomfortable when she sees blood.

Fortunately, it's not like before, where she would feel weak and almost fall to the ground at the sight of blood.

"No way."

Yan showed a sunny smile, wiped the Ninja Sword that had been stained with a lot of blood on Danzo's clothes a few times, casually threw it aside, this Ninja Sword is considered to be discarded.

"Danzo-sama is a higher-up in the village!

As a member of the village, how could I kill him."

"So what is he...."

"Probably his will has collapsed!

He wanted to run, I blocked him, but Izanagi is hard to guard against, so I controlled him with Genjutsu.

Now his will might be a bit collapsed, I don't know if he will become a vegetable."

Kill Danzo?

That's not good, how can you kill people?

The best way to treat Danzo is to let him live well, live like a vegetable, lying for a lifetime.

Then we can make the Third Hokage take care of his good buddy for a lifetime.

Helping Danzo with his daily needs every day must be very interesting.

His will might be a bit collapsed?

Isn't this the meaning of becoming a vegetable?

You might as well stab him to death with a sword.

Tsunade, who was facing Yan, couldn't help but roll her eyes, but it's a good thing that the person didn't die:

"You guys clean up the scene, send Danzo to the hospital for treatment, since the person is not dead, then treat him first, after the treatment is good.....send him to the Sarutobi clan."

Tsunade and Yan's ideas are very compatible.

Since you guys have such a good relationship, then Danzo who has become a vegetable will be taken care of by you!

Old man, you don't have to thank me!

I definitely don't want to see you sad, So I will send Danzo to you.

You can take good care of him until you dead.


What kind of harsh words are these?

Send it to the Third Hokage's house?

The people of Anbu were all stunned, but Tsunade didn't have the mood to deal with them, she left the passage with a strong sense of discomfort, went outside, and took a few deep breaths.

"Don't come near me, let me take a break."

Noticing that Yan approaching Tsunade, she reminded him first.

Your clothes were stained with blood, don't come near me, I can't stand it.


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