"Dad? Beckett? Thatcher?" Zahara wandered around the house, opening the back door to see if she could see anyone out there, it was almost twelve pm and no one had came too see her yet, on a normal day usually Beckett and Thatcher would be in the living room watching cartoons while their dad cooked breakfast and then Zahara would wake up to the beautiful smell of freshly cooked food (albeit Madik wasn't the best chef) and then they would all sit at the table and eat while the kids talked and Madik read the news paper. Guess not every day can be the same but this just felt so strange, Zahara waked down to her fathers room and knocked on the door. To her surprise she did get a response, it was only a tired grunt but at least it was something "dada? Sorry to wake you but Beckett and Thatcher are not home and I haven't found a note from them either '' she whispered through the hard oak door. Madik woke up and rubbed his face "what do you mean? They should be home." Madik responded thinking that what had happened last night was merely a very realistic dream; but then he looked at his clothes and noticed how blood-stained they were. It was not a dream, Madik shot up from bed and quickly got dressed "actually" he huffed a little dizzy from moving so fast after just waking up "I forgot they went over to a friends, I believe it was their birthday or something I don't quite remember right now Zahara" Zahara sighed her anxiety slowly dwindling at the knowledge that her brothers were probably just at a birthday party "Ok dada, can I watch cartoons today then?" once Madik was fully dressed he double checked that there was nothing more stained on him then exited the room "yes but first go get me my morning paper please, i've slept in because i have been working on a new project" Zahara skipped off to go get her boots and winter coat on, it had snowed a few inches last night and it was far to cold for normal outdoor attire.
After the two were all settled in their seats, Zahara on the couch and Madik in his chair reading his newspaper ,Zahara turned on the tv and Fraggle Rock flashed onto the screen "so what's the project you're working on right now dad?" Zahara asked while also not really paying too much attention "hm? Oh uh..." Madik trailed off trying to find a good answer to her question "yeah that sounds real cool- oh dad look! That was so cool!" Zahara cheered at the minimalistic puppets zipping around on the screen; "oh good she isn't paying attention" Madik relaxed himself, got up from his chair and rolled up his newspaper, putting it in a metal bin by the fireplace "Zahara...Zahara hey, hey!" Madik clapped his hands together trying to get his daughters attention, finally she snapped her attention away from the tv and looked over at Madik "oops sorry" she giggled. Madik rolled his eyes and explained to her that he was going to go out and get some things he needed for his project, she was ordered to stay home and if she went outside she was only allowed in the backyard.
Madik walked out of the house, hopped on his bike and peddled down the road. As he was peddling Madik got lost in thought "I need to get a grip on this project of mine. I let my urges get to me too much and now Beckett is probably going to die, he looks so weak." he thought back to last night seeing Becketts weak body in that cage, trembling from the pain, fear and confusion. He also remembered Thatcher's look on his face when Madik walked up the stairs, pure rage and utter fear that the boy had behind his eyes. Madik smiled to himself "well at least I have my chance with Thatcher" he grumbled amused by his thoughts "I will try to think more rationally this time."
It was about mid afternoon and Zahara was taking a nap on the couch, with a bowl of half eaten cereal left on the table, Madik successfully made it home with his supplies, which are three bags of ice, a staple gun and essential medical supplies. Trying to be as quiet as he could to not wake his daughter he tried to menorvor around the house attempting to unlock the door to the basement, eventually the crinkling of the ice bags woke Zahara up and she sat up from the couch with a yawn "Dada?" Madik jumped and looked back at her "hello you are awake" Madik said nervously. Zahara sat up and looked at all the supplies in his hand, this struck her interest and she walked over to her father "what's all this stuffs?" she poked at one of the grocery bags and Madik took a step back a little on edge with Zahara being so close to the basement door "just for my project, hey you know what? Why don't you go to the bakery and buy some stuff for yourself and your brothers when they come home?" Zahara gasped and nodded "So you're giving me money?" she asked and Madik nodded "Yes go and get my wallet and take out 10$ it's in my jacket that is hanging up" flapping her hands happily Zahara walked over to the front door with a bounce in her step. Madik let out a sigh of relief "I have to deal with her tonight" he thought to himself then went downstairs.
Beckett and Thatcher were still in their cages, Thatchers cage was bent he had been beating the bars with his feet for hours till he was to exhausted, the bars might be the normal width of a large dog cage but no human teenage boy could ever break out when the cages doors are modified with padlocks "well you have been busy" Madik said, Thatcher looked over at his father and stayed quiet, he had nothing to say as he was trying to think of ways to over power Madik once it was his turn to get turned into whatever fucked up amalgamation Madiks twisted imagination had in mind. Thatcher didn't have very much experience in fighting but he was hoping that his adrenaline and will to stay alive would help get him out of this hellish basement.
Madik repeated his same actions as he did with Beckett, we set up his tools and prepared the animal on the workbench, however this time it was not a fish but...a baby bear? Yes that was exactly it, a baby brown bear, the perfect size to gracefully attach such an animal to one's body "your lucky boy, I wanted this but I think you'll fit it more." Madik said as he walked over to the cage, Thatcher just stared at him, he was starting to feel the fear coming onto him "now's my time, come on brain we can do this fight him!" Thatcher thought to himself as Madik opened the door. Thatcher didn't move, he didn't even flinch, nothing. You know how when a possum gets spooked it plays dead? Well that was Thatcher, inside he was screaming and panicked, he was trying his hardest to do literally anything in defence of his father. Madik dragged him out of the cage and all the paralysed youth could do was lowly mumble "No" and in response Madik chuckled "and here I thought you were going to be a nuisance" he layed Thatcher down on the metal table, strapping him down Thatcher finally was able to do something, he screamed and cried with all his might, he sobbed begging his father to let him go, he tried to bribe Madik to change him mind promising to never tell a soul, promising to pretend Beckett was just missing and that's why he would never be seen, anything. However, nothing worked. "You should save your voice while you can, my boy, I don't care to hear what you "promise" or what you say you won't say, none of it interests me. I want this to happen for my own benefit, as I've said before, these feelings have been trapped for far too many years and after your mothers passing, there's now nothing holdin me back." Madik began to cut into Thatcher's hands "Maybe everyone here could be saved if only I could have gotten my hands on Denali's precious body..." Madik hummed a joyful tune as his face grew blank and his body went into what felt like autopilot.
After only a few minutes of cutting and stapling fur to Thatcher, the kid began to grow faint, his body had already gone into shock as he could no longer feel the cold blade of the X-acto knife run gracefully threw him skin, neck growing tired from looking down to try and see what his father was doing Thatcher laid his head down and began to cry. However that is when his anxiety really started to go up, tears flooding his eyes he saw a tall figure looming over him "w-what" Thatcher mumbled barely having the strength to structure a proper sentence. The figure walked by Thatcher's head slowly, its movements so controlled it looked almost as if it was gliding across the floor. After doing one circle around the table the figure stood behind Madik then disappeared. As the thing disappeared Madik flinched and ended up cutting down Thatcher's wrist, Thatcher screamed really feeling that one "Oh. I got it stuck in the bone, sorry my boy dont know what caused that, my ears started to wring so loudly, it must be from your pitiful crying." all Madics life he had ignored this presence, this being that had stalked him ever since he was a small child, from that day in the woods with the duck. Why does he still ignore it? Even with no one around to accuse him of being crazy he still didn't wish to acknowledge it. Maybe it was guilt? Denial possibly? He wasn't ever quite sure if this tall slender man was exactly the reason why these urges started and continued to grow in the first place. A part of him wished to know but I supped the rest of him wanted it to stay a mystery so that he could enjoy these moments of purse blissful insanity,
Thatcher passed out after that and the rest of the process went smoothly, Madik attacked mitten-like paws to his hands however the paw pads on them were rather flimsy and were not the best for picking things up in the future, his neck has fur layered and stapled into his neck all the way from the top to the base and the whole top part of his face was covered in fur; Madik had also removed the tip of Thatchers nose and replaced it with the bears, he then also attacked the cubs ears to the back of Thatchers, this gave them support.
Once this was done and every wound had been sealed with staples and stitches, Thatcher was unstrapped and picked up, Madam moved him to a big wheel barrel full of the ice from the store, the ice was slowly melting and there was already a decent puddle at the bottom of the barrel, Thatcher was placed in there and more ice was put on top of him "this should slow the bleeding maybe?" Madik honestly wasn't quite sure as Denali was the one with all the medical knowledge. "He will surely be too sore to move. I shouldn't have to use too much precaution." Madik took a rope hanging on his tool rack and tied Thatcher's hand to a support beam on the roof. After that Madik stretched and walked up the stairs, as he opened the door Zahara happened to be behind the door with her ear pressed against the door trying to listen, turns out she had forgotten something from home and when she came home to fetch the item she had heard Thatcher's cries of pain.
Zahara fell over and instant rage flooded Madiks mind "What are you doing home?!" he shrieked, that familiar static sound filled his head drowning out the sounds of his surroundings, Zaharas heart rate picked up instantly at her father raising his voice "I forgot something and.." she didn't know how to excuse herself, her mind was racing. Why was Thatcher crying? Why was her father covered head to toe in blood and chunks of fur? Why was he holding a knife and where were her brothers? All these questions, the answers were simple but she wasn't the type of person to jump to conclusions, after all she didn't know the full story, maybe the boys had gone hunting and Thatcher ended up hurting himself and that's why Madik was all bloodied, from dealing with an animal's body.
Madik grumbled and grabbed Zahara by her neck standing her up; Zahara couldn't keep her balance as she was trying to free herself from his grip, she was choking "Da-" she coughed unable to structure sentences as her sarcophagus was being crushed by Madiks thumb. He dragged her out of the living room and down the hall to her room "I thought we raised you to not be so snoopy." Zahara kicked her legs and tried to grab at anything she could to get free from his grip. It really hurt to be dragged down a hall by her neck with little to no support. Madik threw her into her bedroom, Zaharas head was violently lunged against the frame of her bed, the metal echoing a beautiful thunk sound as it came into contact with her head. Zahara began to cry as she held her head and rubbed the back of it hard with the palm of her hand "Dada why? That hurt me so badly, my head hurts so badly and my neck too!" she let out a few sobs "You didn't have to do that! I could have walked my own Dad!" Madik stood there in the doorway watching Zahara squirm around on the floor as she tried to deal with the pain, he noticed how she was even struggling to breath from the pain, it was like her body wanted to freeze, it didn't know how to react to this. He muffed "You're lucky I don't spank you too." His soft voice was quickly raised as he demanded she stay in her room until he said she could come out. Zahara nodded and whimpered as her door was slammed shut by Madik. Zahara could hear him throwing things around and even heard glass breaking "I miss mama, he wouldn't do this if mama wasn't around.." she got up and crawled into her bed with a stuffie and layed down her side, her head hurt to much to lay flat on her back.
Hours passed and the house slowly grew silent. Madik had cleaned himself up, doing a small load of laundry, he had also cleaned up down stairs and put Thatcher back in the cage while he was passed out, the ice trick did work and Thatcher hadn't lost as much as Beckett did. However Thatcher probably suffered from some frost bite on his back. It was 10pm now and Madik was in the basement looking through boxes, however these boxes didn't have decaying animals inside them, these were actual storage boxes with his and Denalis old things. Thatcher woke up and freaked out a little "What?! Where?!" everything that happened to him flooded back as he looked down at his shaking hands, they looked like disgusting maggot filled bear paws "What did you do to me?!" Thatcher mumbled, he too like his brother, didn't have the best mobility in his face anymore as the wounds made him go numb. Madik didn't bother to look over at him, he was too busy looking for this oh so important item "You are not an idiot. Don't ask me questions like that, your observation skills should be well enough to realise what happened to you Thatcher." Madik responded calmly. Thatcher went quiet, his emotions were starting to get to him but he didn't want to cry anymore, he didn't wish to feel weak, he didn't need such feelings distracting him from what he wanted to do; since Thatcher had failed to protect himself and his brother, he now wanted to protect Zahara and this time he wouldn't let fear stun him.
Madik finally found what he was looking for and picked up a big jar "Ah ha!" Thatcher looked over in disgust at the jar "ugh gross what creature is that?" he regrettably asked "Your sister" Madik turned and headed for the stairs "What?! Hey wait, you can't say that shit and expect me to know what that means!" putting his foot on the bottom stair Madik looked over at the cages "Well I suppose I can tell you two the story since the evidence is going to be gone soon, it's quite a fun memory of mine, really made me feel like I could get away with anything when I was younger."
1993, Rossland Canada, the night of Zahara's birth, that night it had appeared that everything had gone smoothly and Zahara's birth was a success, well that was true however the true reason why that drive home felt so off was because, while Zahara survived her twin sister did not. For whatever reason Denalis body wasn't built to sustain more than one child at the same time. This child, who's name was going to be Sersi, ended up dying in the womb the day prior so while a birth happened so did a stillbirth, they made sure the children didn't know of this and secretly had the corpse removed while Zahara was being delivered, however since everyone was focused on Denali, Madik managed to sneak out and follow the nurse who was disposing of the baby, the family had discussed that the baby was to be cremated. Following the women Madik managed to get down a small quiet hall here he took off his belt and choked her, the nurse dropped the fetus and started to struggle, within minutes the women was dead and Madik threw her down a garbage shoot where he watched her body fell in between garbage bags packed with who knows what, this meant her body was luckily hidden from prying eyes and her body wouldn't be found till it hit the dump. Madik sighed and picked up the fetus cradling it in his arms he wrapped it in a blanket that he found in a closet inside one of the empty rooms and hastily made his way down to his car where he hid it in the trunk "Ill preserver you for when I get home" Madik said as he locked the trunk and made his way back upstairs right in time to see Zahara's birth.
"And she has turned out to not be as useful as I thought she would be, I was going to make her into one of you...but then I started seeing Doctor Dave Dobson, the prick, again after a short few months break while I was helping your mother with the pregnancy." He sighed a little lightheaded from the non-stop talking "I didn't have the time to do anything with her, Sersi, is now too decomposed." Finally after all the silence Beckett spoke up "You were always this mentally ill and mom knew?" Madik confirmed that Denali did in fact know "However she I guess didn't know the "severity" if we must say this is so severe" He said in a sarcastic tone "I can't believe mom would let you be around us, especially with all the injuries we have received threw the years..." Beckett replied and Madik snapped his fingers "Ah-ah! yes, you got it, finally someone is starting to understand me, anyways no more chit-chats...I have dinner to make." Madik smiled and walked up the stairs. The boys both grimaced towards the stairs and Thatcher started trying to get out of the cage once more "You're definitely not strong enough to get through those bars now Thatcher..."