Madik made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a pot, he started to make a nice pork based broth and grabbing a meat cleaver from a drawer he started to shop up the fetus and he put it in the pot once the broth came to a boil."Zahara! Dinner!" as he yelled for his daughter Madik saw something move from the corner of his eye, it was a rat, he threw the clever at it and the rats head rolled clean off its body "I suppose you would make this more filling." he picked up the rats corpse and put it in the soup not removing the hair, gutting it or anything. Zahara then made her way slowly down the hall and walked into the dining room sitting down at the table, she looked outside not bothering to see what her father had made for tonight's dinner. A few more short minutes and a blow of hot, disgusting sweet smelling soup was placed in front of Zahara, there was the rat and the foetus bobbing around in the water. Zahara gasped and covered her mouth as she tried not to gag, Madik sat down on the other side of the table and stared blankly at her, a low static hum was the only noise that filled the room "well?" Madik asked rhetorically expecting Zahara to just start eating it "What is this it looks..." she gagged at the smell she thought she could literally taste by the scent but it was probably just the slow rising of the stomach acid crawling up her throat preparing her to throw up "Just eat it girl. Oh do I have to force feed you?" Madik said sternly, the hair on the back of Zahara's neck rose as she felt like a strong presence was approaching her;
"Eat. it." Madik stood up and Zahara let out a cry "I don't wanna!" she whimpered "I don't care if you don't want to, you've eaten what I have made you before and you will do it again. Ungrateful!" Midik picked up the foetus and shoved it into her mouth, with his other hand he forced her jaw to clamp down on it, Zahara screamed but it wasn't very helpful as her mouth was being gagged by a corpse. Zahara instinctively swallowed the chewed up bits then started chewing on the rest anything to make Madik stop being so forceful, as quick as she could she ate the entire corpse and Madik let out a satisfied grumble "Good." he patted her head "Now for the rest, don't be wasteful." he gestured to the white bowl that was slowly cooling on the table. Zahara hesitated before she reached in and grabbed the soaking wet rat. It took her a few minutes but she did eat it, she wanted to throw up so badly but Zahara didn't want to be forced into re-eating it. The bowl was taken away and washed, Madik was highly satisfied that Zahara had listened to him and ate the foetus and rat. Now it was time for Madik to deal with Zahara, in the usual Madik fashion he grabbed Zahara by her hair and dragged her to the basement door "I hope you enjoyed your last supper in this house Zahara. Now it's time for you to see for yourself what you were so curious about before."
Madik with very little emotion in his eyes dragged Zahara down the stairs and strapped her to the table, she felt too queasy to move but forced herself to kick him square in the gut causing Madik to hunch over in pain "Let me go I don't want this!" she slurred as Madik composed himself once more "No." is all he had to say as he finished tying up her legs. He quickly got to work "You bastard!" from the back of the room was yelled Thatcher as he shook his cage with what strength he had left "If you don't shut it i'll kill her on purpose!" Madik roared back. This made Thatcher grow silent as he thought thoroughly about his next actions and he decided it would be best to be quiet. After all, what was worse? Dying right away or being mutilated with a chance of survival and possible medical attention in the future? The second option seemed more appealing, as horrid as it least survival was a possibility. Madik took his knife and started to carve off the bottom part of her face, a loud shriek came from Zahara as she struggled and pulled at the restraints causing bruising to worm on her wrists, it took Madik a good 5 minutes to create a good clean cut threw her face "Oh shoot I got ahead of myself" he snickered "Hold on" Madik put the knife down and walked over to the boxes pulling out the most important items of this hole escapade, the fur "I want to try something new with you" Madik also grabbed one of the harder cardboard boxes and some felt "semi realism? Sounds fun, you'll look so ridiculous no one will take you seriously...or they might get intrigued by your abnormally proportionate features'' this man, he was so sure that the world would love what he had done to his children, he had managed to convince himself the public would forget their morals and reward him for what he has done as he truly saw this, as a work of art, something to be admired...and practised? Like an arts and crafts project, fun for the whole family, a true bonding moment, never closer than before!
After the things were gathered Madik continued his work, he grabbed the staple gun he had bought from the store and placed a mat of fur onto the wound he had inflicted on his daughters face. He began to staple, creating a fluent rhythm he hemmed to the tune he was making with each snap of the gun. Zahara shrieked at every staple that penetrated her face; once Madik was finished he used a pair of rusty old scissors from his work bench and cut down the access fur, he also stapled the rest down by her chin onto her neck wrapping the long bits around to the back. To Zahara the neck hurt the most, it was so unbearable her vision started to blur. Madik continued, he attached fur onto her arms, it was rather messy, and her legs which were a bit more even as they didn't move as much when Madik cut into her. Eventually Zaharas screams of absolute agony grew silent, her mind was beginning to break and go into a survival like mode, it was almost like she was a shell of a human, only letting out small whimpers here and there. There was a short break were Madik had to ponder, he had collected the skin from wolf paws, but didn't know how to go around using them, Unlike Thatchers bear cub Madik didn't want to leave behind much waste with Zahara, he was getting sick of cleaning up his misses, if only he could control the amount of pure pleasure he got form doing this, it was hard, especially when the tall faceless man was around watching him, his first friend, he never felt judged and he felt a strong sense of encouragement come from his untranslatable whispers and low hums. The static in Madiks mind wasn't something he feared, he welcomed it with great honour, though he didn't worship the strange man, he still respected it, even after Denali's passing as Madik blamed himself for that and not the tall man.
Finally Madik had an idea, he ran upstairs and got Zaharas shoes, taking them downstairs he cut them in half and stapled them to her feet, but the staples didn't work "looks like I need something stronger" twirling himself over to the work bench he grabbed a nail gun. He shot the nails, threw the fur that was on her feet and Zahara screamed, her legs began to vigorously shake from the pain. In the background Thatcher had finally become despondent to the situation and just sat there with his hands covering his ears tightly as he hummed, trying desperately to drown out the cries emitting from his helpless sister; As hours passed Madik had finished with Zahara, she was limp on the table only small whimpers escaping her lips, her face was too sore to move and crying hard just made everything worse.
Madik wiped his face of sweat off his face, "You're almost perfect! You surely won't die on me!" He paused for a moment and looked over sadly at his daughter "Right Zahara..?" Zahara didn't make an attempt to look at Madik,she didn't want to think about dying or what would happen to her brothers, she couldn't think about anything. After Madik finished celebrating his accomplishment he turned back to the table and ran his hand down Zaharas leg mesmerised by his work "It's disgustingly intriguing, I almost wish I could do this to myself!" Zahara whimpered "You-" Madik held his head and screamed in pain, his knees buckled and he fell to the floor "Why must you not be satisfied my friend?! We love this!" He yelled and hastily got up "Has this not been enough?!" finally the truth to his urges was starting to come out. Here he was, admitting to himself that his childhood friend was the driving reason for all of this. A loud static noise could be heard emitting from outside the house over by the barred window. Madik huffed and untied Zahara "No! No no! Don't touch me!" Zahara kicked her legs and Madik ended up dropping her, the pain from his head kept his balance off and his vision was slightly blurred, Zahara took this opportunity and scrambled towards the stairs "Don't!" Madik ordered and stopped his way to the stairs eagerly. He loomed over his daughter and held the side of his head, with a snarl he pushed her over and started walking up the stairs backwards "I'll finish with you when I'm better." and Madik locked the door.
Zahara sat there hyperventilating, she could hear Madik trashing the house upstairs and she also noticed the noise coming from the window "Zahara!" Thatcher whispered loudly at her, she looked over at him "The key! Please, you have to find the key to these cages so we can escape and get help!" she looked around and stumbled to her feet, right now pure adrenaline was the only thing pushing her to move, this was worse than anything she has ever experienced before, Zahara wobbled over to the work bench looking around, her hands lazily pushed various tools aside as she looked for keys, trinkets fell to the floor "See anything?" Beckett asked Zahara cried "No!" she let out a pained sigh it almost sounded like a wheeze "It hurts so much I can't do this!" Thatcher shook the cage "No Zahara! Please, please don't give in. I know it hurts, it's agony but the sooner we get out of here the sooner we won't have to deal with this pain!" she nodded and sauntered over to the other bench that was covered in old crusty blood, bones and fur, Zahara sighed she was trying so hard to stay calm and quiet, if she screamed then all her brain would focus on would be the pain, the grinding of the staples against her face would be be even harder to ignore than it already was. Finally under a lump of leftover flesh she found some keys and Zahara collapsed to the floor "I...did it" she whimpered "Great job Zahara, now come get us out of here!" Thatcher applauded, Zahara didn't react for a moment, she felt as though she was going to pass out, her head was spinning and breathing even felt painful, it was like she swallowed stinging nettle while a thousand fire ants nibbled on her exposed wounds. She sat up and slowly crawled over to the cages; once she got there, Zaharas hands were so shaky that she couldn't get the key in the hole, she sobbed and hiccuped as she watched herself fail, all her hope was taken because of this, how was anyone going to be ok if she couldn't even unlock a cage? Thatcher squeezed his hand threw the bar beside the lock "Here give it to me, its ok I know your wounds are fresh, it's hard, I can do it" she nodded and gave Thatcher the keys, after a minute of fighting with the lock he was successful and set himself free, Zahara relieved, collapsed on the floor. Thatcher crawled out and made his way over to Becketts cage, he unlocked it and helped him out of the cage, once they were both out, Beckett began to cry and hugged Thatcher tightly, burying his face in his brother's chest he let it all out. Beckett was quiet for so long because he was trying to keep it together but now that things were finally starting to go in their favour he felt like he could finally be vulnerable "He took my eyes!" Becketts voice cracked and Thatcher gently patted his back "Yup.." was all Thatcher could say, this was all a nightmare it didn't feel real. None of it felt real, I mean how could it be? There was really people like their father out there? People who had taken therapy and still had not gotten better? People out there who even after years of learning wrong from right, said fuck it and took the wrong path just because it felt right? I guess so, this only proves one thing of course, no matter how kind, hard working, non-confrontational someone could be, they could still end up being the most dangerously disgusting person you could ever meet.
After the brothers finished hugging they went to comfort Zahara "Zahara? Where are you? What did he do to you?" Beckett was guided by Thatcher over to Zahara who was sulking on the floor, she wasn't processing this as "easily" as her brothers "Over here Beckett, she's..." Thatcher paused "It's pretty bad, not as bad as you but it's bad..." under his breath he mumbled that they were all bad, Thatcher was losing his strength to speak. Zahara started to hyperventilate while crying into her hand "Everything hurts!" she stuttered, the boys both crouched down and hugged her. All Zahara could do was stare up at the stairs, she was going into shock as the adrenaline started to dissipate from her body, suddenly the house was quiet for a moment, within the silence the tall figure loomed in the corner of the room, the three kids didn't notice it but they all started to feel this dreaded illness in the pit of their stomachs. The door to the attic was flung open with such force it almost flew off the hinges, Madic was alarmed by this and rushed over to the door from his bedroom, his vision started to blur "That was you old friend? What has happened down there? Are my children dead? Has one passed on?" He calmly made his way down the stairs and saw the tall figure in the corner. It knocked over his work bench and his tools went gliding across the cracked concrete floor. The nail gun from before hit the stairs and as he made it to the bottom he picked it up, staring at the blood stains that were splattered onto the tool by Zaharas feet. He looked up and saw his children huddled together, seeing that his sons were out of their cages. This struck a nerve and instantly blind rage over took his mind. He was seeing nothing but static and red. Zahara took a deep breath and yelled at her father "Stay away from us! Stay away!" Suddenly the sickness grew stronger and Zahara hunched over, her back started to bulge out her shirt ripping open from the back, her skin started to tear until, a loud shredding sound was heard and her spinal cord broke in half, out emerged a giant humanoid rat looking monster, it strangely resembled the fetus and rat that Zahara had eaten in the soup. It stood up on its hind legs and quickly Zaharas body beneath it degraded into nothing but dust, Madik looked it up and down. Extremely intimidated by this creature, Madik looked at its strange clear belly that was full of red liquid, inside it was Zahara. However that couldn't have been possible? Everyone had seen Zahara's corpse decompose, how was she inside the body of this beast? This was something no one wanted to stick around to learn, the boys took shelter behind the tipped over bench and Madik gripped the nail gun "Give me back my daughter!" he demanded through gritted teeth. The creature charged at Madik and before he could be hit the man jumped out of the way and ran upstairs, he wasn't ready for a chase to happen as he made it upstairs the creature managed to follow him after slamming into the wall. Pulling Madik down he slammed his face into the lip of the doorway and several teeth came loose, the creature turned his body over so he was face to face with it, Madik stared in fear at this vastly superior being that was man handling him like a cat to a mouse. It's mouth opened slowly and a huge slime filled tongue started to emerge, Madik reacted by swiftly holding up the nail gun he still had in his hand up to the beasts head and he shot 3 nails into the face of the beast, he attempted to shoot more but by then the cartridge was empty, the monster didn't react however a high pitched scream came from inside the beast's belly, it was Zahara, this was proof that she was alive and it wasn't some decoy to try and distract the family, somehow some way this creature and her were one, it was like their bodies were one but also separate?
The nails in the creature's face burrowed into the skin and the holes from the nails were quickly replaced with eyes, in Zaharas face the nails appeared, how was any of this possible? I guess this is why no one questions demonic spirits and their odd abilities. It stood up on its hind legs and basted the side of Madiks body into the wall causing the brick to crack, Madik was bleeding profusely from his cranium, but whatever damage he received wouldn't matter, by its teeth it grabbed Madik by the stomach and used both of its arms to grab one leg and one arm od Madiks, it started to pull him apart slowly disembowelling him, Madik screamed in agony his blood and organs spilling onto the stairs he reached with his free hand down the stairs "My friend! Please help me!" but the tall slender man was nowhere to be seen. Madik was betrayed by the one thing on this planet that he truly trusted; and the world went black. After Madik was killed off and his insides were gutted and devoured fully by the creature, it helped the kids escape the house and dragged their bodies through the chilling Colombian mountains.
Weeks passed and the kids were not seen, the same night as they went missing the Rossland police had arrived at the Olliebee house and investigated the crime scene, neighbours had called in reporting the loud screams. They labelled it as a murder kidnapping. After that, the town was never the same again, strange sightings of the creature from that night were spotted and people had even fallen victim to its endless hunger.
The beast from Rossland was seen yesterday climbing into somebody's house around 11:35pm however before authorities could arrive the damage had already been done and the thing was out again wandering for food, authorities had also found some personal belongings and normal food missing when investigating the house of the victims. Clothing of random assortments were stolen, it puzzled everyone, why was this creature doing this? Was there people it was caring for? Or possibly it was being used by? No one knew however sceptics theorised it was the Olliebee children since their bodies, unlike their fathers, were never seen nor found. Others didn't even think there was a creature but rather a person behind these murderers. However there was never any fingerprints or evidence of other humans besides the victims' families in the house. The K9 units' dogs always grew anxious once picking up the scent of the creature and never followed it.