Chapter 189: Jacking Up the Price_1

The village chief held up two fingers.

20 million?

The assistant pondered in his heart, the previous piece of land was priced at over 50 million, which was half more expensive than the land in the small fishing village.

"Can the price be lowered a bit?" The assistant tried to negotiate.

The village head bulged his eyes and stared at the assistant, "Not a cent less than 2 million."

Oh, so it was 2 million!

The assistant was overjoyed in his heart.

This large piece of land for only 2 million, it wasn't even comparable to the previous change.

"Okay, I'll buy"

The assistant couldn't wait to fly back to the company to find Lu Jianshen and sign the contract.

The village head was somewhat surprised by the assistant's readiness, and requested: "The full amount must be paid all at once."

The assistant nodded without hesitation, and hurriedly drove toward the company.