Chapter 190: Lu Qi Repeatedly Frustrated_1

In the recording, Shareholder Wang's tone was extremely domineering, even threatening the finance department with withholding their monthly bonuses and even dismissal if they dared to violate regulations.

The financial officer shrugged helplessly at the assistant.

"Alright, I won't make things hard for you then," the assistant sighed heavily, "but you must send the call recording to me, I promise I won't leak it."

The finance officer readily agreed.

He was not a fool. The assistant asking for the phone recording was certainly meant to let President Lu hear it. This was a good opportunity to please President Lu.

The assistant, carrying the phone recording, returned to the office and whispered a few words into Lu Jianshen's ear.

"President Lu, the finance department isn't proceeding with the transactions because Shareholder Wang just issued a new rule. Any large payments must be included in a plan and approved by the shareholders before the money can be transferred."