Chapter 211: Idol at the Door_1

Yin Ci raised an eyebrow.

You don't need scissors to pick flowers.

She reached out to touch the flower, but was stopped by the butler.

"Miss! The flower stem has tiny thorns, let me cut it for you, you go back and rest. Once I remove the thorns, I'll bring it to your room."

They're restricting everything she does.

Yin Ci suddenly lost interest in picking flowers. She turned around and strolled in the backyard with her hands behind her back.

The sound of a sports car approached, she looked up and saw the flashy Ma Li.

"Yinyin! I have some good news, a cowboy competition is being held in the neighboring town. Handsome cowboys from all around are heading there, I can take you to check out some good-looking guys!"

"I saw a few cowboys with nice figures while coming here in my car. One of them was even better looking than a movie star!"

Apart from her tearfulness, Yin Ci found that Ma Li loved to see handsome men in private, especially well-built, handsome guys.