Chapter 212 Complicated Human Nature_1

Her eldest daughter Fang Yu and the little baby in her belly made their four-member family feel so blissful.

Was he really going to despicably shatter her idyllic life?

Lu Jianshen didn't know how long he had sat there without even noticing that Old Sir Lu had slowly awoken.

Old Sir slowly opened his eyes, the sight of his teary-eyed grandson startled him.

Despite his dry throat, he rushed to ask his grandson, "Jian Shen? What happened, what's wrong?"

Lu Jianshen shook his head to indicate everything was fine.

He didn't want to tell the truth and make his grandfather worry.

With no other choice, Old Sir changed his tone: "Never mind, you shouldn't be here guarding this old man, the Lu Family Group is more important. Lately, several major projects have failed and the company has lost several billion."

"The good projects have failed, I suspect there are people sabotaging us from behind. You are the Lu's heir, you need to take responsibility."

Lu Jianshen nodded seriously.