Chapter 61 Coming to Apologize Bearing a Jing1

Since the boss was being so kind, Shen Xian had no choice but to accept his offer graciously.

After all, if she were to drag her not fully recovered foot to squeeze onto the bus or subway, she would be the one to suffer.

Shen Xian drove all the way to the restaurant Shu Yan had appointed, and the business there was booming beyond words, from the line of people waiting outside to the jam-packed parking lot.

Shen Xian drove her eye-catching Range Rover past the front of the restaurant and found a quieter parking lot a little farther away, parked the car, and walked back to the restaurant Shu Yan had chosen.

Upon entering, she saw Shu Yan waving at her from a distance.

"Miss, how many in your party?" a server asked.

Shen Xian pointed inward, "I have friends inside already."