Chapter 61 Coming to Apologize Bearing a Jing_2

Shen Xian had no choice but to take over the phone, where the first few dishes on the interface were followed by three or four "fire" icons, signifying that these dishes were very popular.

Without hesitation, Shen Xian ordered two or three dishes marked with four "fire" icons—following the crowd is never wrong.

"Alright, take another look," Shen Xian, who was never fussy about the small stuff, handed the phone back to Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu tilted his chin up, indicating for her to pass it to Shu Yan.

Shu Yan didn't dilly-dally either, taking the phone and tapping away rapidly.

"Don't order too much, we can't eat a lot at this hour of the night."

Shen Xian, finishing off the last bite of ice cream, saw Shu Yan tapping away and reminded her.

"What's there to be afraid of? Someone else is footing the bill anyway," Shu Yan said with a smile that lit up her eyes.

"You're offering to pay?"