Chapter 85 It's me who made them do it_1

Upon hearing this, Shen Xian was startled.

He didn't think it was a compliment.

So he hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "Mr. Gu, it's not what they said."

"What is it then?"

Gu Chen's cultured face bore a thin smile as he leisurely sipped his tea.

Shen Xian recounted the whole incident to Gu Chen, from how Chen Nuo was "caught" on the spot, to his own attempts to check the surveillance permissions and the ensuing quarrel with He Yu, speaking faster and faster as he went on.

As Gu Chen listened, he glanced at the glue stick and cell phone in her hand and asked indifferently, "So did you find anything?"

Shen Xian shook his head in discouragement, "I always feel like this was all set up in advance."

Gu Chen's deep eyes shifted slightly as he looked at Shen Xian, "First it was you, then Chen Nuo, who do you guess will be next?"

This really shocked Shen Xian with Gu Chen's words.

"You also think it was all set up by them, don't you?"