Chapter 86: Chen Nuo Lost Contact (Second Update)_1

Shen Xian rushed back to her office, her mind racing with questions. What should Chen Nuo do if she found out this news?

So she picked up her phone from the corner of the desk where it was charging and called Chen Nuo.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is switched off..."

Switched off?

She must already know everything then.

After some thought, Shen Xian sent her a text message, trying to offer some comfort for now.

Having put down her phone, Shen Xian felt slightly calmer. She rested her head on her hands and stared at the email on her computer, her mind spinning through numerous possibilities.

She picked up a pen and wrote down a few names on the notebook beside her—Zhang Chi, Jin Chen, Shen Xian, Chen Nuo…

"First it was you, then Chen Nuo, who do you think will be next?"

This was what Gu Chen had asked her after he found out about Chen Nuo's situation.

Looking at those names, Shen Xian quietly added two more—Gu Chen.