Chapter 187: Chaos on the Set_1

When Shen Xian and Grandma arrived home, they found a crowd gathered at Auntie Zhang's door, making a noisy fuss without knowing what they were talking about, only occasionally hearing Auntie Zhang's cries and wails.

Shen Xian parked the car steadily, quickly carried Pengpeng and helped Grandma out of the car, and they both hurried toward the crowd.

"What happened, what happened to her, Auntie Zhang?"

Grandma pushed through the crowd, anxiously moving forward, as Auntie Zhang was already crying inconsolably.

Shen Xian, holding the child, made her way through the crowd. Little Pengpeng, awakened by the noise, was startled and started crying confusedly upon seeing his own grandma crying too.

"Auntie Zhang, don't panic, what happened?"

Shen Xian gently rocked the child in her arms, but Little Pengpeng wouldn't be calmed at all by her coaxing and cried out to be held by his grandma.