Chapter 187: Chaos on the Set_2

Shen Xian sidestepped and retreated, not allowing him to touch her.

"I said I'm here to find someone. If you block me from going in, I will call the police!"

"Hmph, there's no shortage of these paparazzi threatening to call the police every day. You're not the only one. Go back to wherever you came from. I've had enough of you people and your endless excuses; there's a new one every day."

The man refused to let her pass, and Shen Xian, worried about Zhang Tong's safety, didn't bother wasting words with him. She just walked around him and headed inside.

"Stop, stop! Xiaoyang, block her!" The man chased after Shen Xian, calling his companion.

Seeing someone else running out from another side, Shen Xian didn't think twice. With a leap, she stepped on the fence and vaulted over it.

Her movement startled the two people chasing her. Could this be a stunt double invited by the film crew?