There is everything in the dream 14

Who doesn't want their children to succeed?


Finding a job isn't that simple when there's a queue for every carrot.

It's that they, as parents, have no great abilities to secure a job for Tangtang.

Otherwise, with her intelligence and high school education, she'd have been a factory worker in the city already.

Hearing Mrs. Li's words, Lin Tang and her siblings exchanged smiles.

A faint warmth spread through the peaceful, rundown courtyard.


That same evening, in the main room of the Lin Family.

"Mom, eggs are so delicious. It would be great if we could eat them every day," Goudan said as he licked his lips, savoring the memory of the savory eggs with a heavy sigh.

Choudan echoed behind him, "…tasty!"

Ning Xinrou, who was mending clothes nearby, gave the boys a smile and chided them:

"Eggs are a treat. You should count yourself lucky to have them once in a while, let alone every day. What next? You'll want to fly to the heavens!"

With a sly twinkle in his eye, Goudan hummed, "You might not have a way, but I do."

Ning Xinrou didn't believe him but feigned curiosity, "What's your method, then?"

Mimicking the village men, Goudan waved his hand and said gruffly, "Don't ask—you just mind your needlework, woman."

The only one in the family who never lacked for good things was Auntie.

If he listened to auntie obediently, maybe she'd share some treats with him too.

Even if she didn't, just to smell them would be enough.

He was really clever!

Seeing her son's lordly airs, Ning Xinrou couldn't help but get annoyed.

She reached out to pat Goudan on the head, threatening, "Enough with your nonsense, get to sleep! And don't mimic the villagers' way of talking again, or I'll have your dad peel your hide."

She didn't know where the boy had learned to say 'woman,' but he was cheeky beyond belief.

At the mention of his father, Goudan simultaneously felt a burning sensation on his buttocks.

Quickly, he closed his eyes. "I'm asleep."

Choudan, seeing the fun was over, hurriedly lay down next to his brother.

He glanced at his mother, then his brother, and followed suit into sleep.

Meanwhile, in the second branch of the Lin Family.

Zhou Mei lay comfortably on the kang bed, watching Lin Qingshui change his clothes.

"Dear, let's bring the two young ones back from my family home tomorrow!"

She had originally wanted the kids to enjoy some good food back at her parents' to bulk up a bit.

Now that they had meat at home, it should be better to bring the children back.

They missed out on eggs today, such a loss for their part of the household!

The eggs are one thing, but they can't miss out on the meat.

They have to make up for it by eating more tomorrow.

Lin Qingshui cast a casual glance at his wife, "Didn't you say your parents' house served nice meals?"

Zhou Mei, feeling exposed, "…"

It used to be slightly better than the Lin Family, just slightly!

Now? Hah!

What could possibly be better than meat?

"...ahem... Now that we have meat, don't you feel sorry for Hutou and Niuniu being as skinny as monkeys?"

How could Lin Qingshui not feel sorry?

He frowned slightly.

"When have I ever not felt sorry for the kids? If you want to fetch them, then go ahead."

There wasn't too much fieldwork to be done at the moment, anyway.

Zhou Mei smiled slyly, as if she'd gained an advantage.

"Great, I'll fetch the kids tomorrow."

"Dear, the fried eggs were so delicious," she said, her tongue lingering over her lips.

Lin Qingshui lay down beside her and smiled, "Silly wife, who doesn't know that eggs are tasty."

Zhou Mei sighed longingly, "If only we could have them every day."

Lin Qingshui: "I know a way you could have eggs every day…"

Zhou Mei sat up immediately, her eyes shining brighter than light bulbs.

"What way?" she asked, dripping with anticipation.

Lin Qingshui pulled the blanket over them and said darkly, "Go to sleep; you can have everything in your dreams."

Zhou Mei, who had genuinely thought he had a solution and was looking forward to it, "..."

Damn it, why did she marry such a man?!


The next morning, Lin Tang looked at the system panel with a smile in her eyes.

[Name: Lin Tang]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 16]

[Points: 0]

[System Space Stored Items: Two jin of pork]

She had signed in last night and received two jin of pork, which was really satisfying.

Just then, Goudan called out in a low voice at the door, "Little auntie, little auntie, are you awake?"

Lin Tang heard the voice and hurriedly got up, "I'm up!"

No sooner had her words ended than a 'thump' came from outside the door.

After a few seconds of silence, a series of disordered footsteps grew fainter and fainter.

"Mom, my little auntie is up," Goudan eagerly went to tell his mom.

Ning Xinrou looked at her son's skinny little face and gently stroked his head, saying,

"Goudan, today's egg is for your little auntie to nourish her body.

You and your brother mustn't eat it. If you do, your little auntie's health will recover more slowly.

When it's your birthday, Grandma will cook eggs for you, understand?"

Yesterday, the little aunt gave all the eggs to her two sons.

In the evening, she even fried a plate of eggs.

Today, no matter what, the two little ones couldn't eat this boiled egg.

Goudan nodded again and again, "I know, little auntie needs to recuperate.

Grandma said so, I will take good care of Choudan, don't worry, mom!"

Ning Xinrou said tenderly, "Mom knows you are sensible."

Lin Tang came out of the room, washed her face, and carried her meal out to the courtyard.

Breakfast consisted of porridge with a boiled egg and a small dish of pickles.

The pickles were made from wild vegetables last year.

The family scrimped and saved all winter, and now only the bottom of the jar was left.

This was still the sick person's meal.

Normally, they didn't eat breakfast.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Lin Tang said with a smile.

Ning Xinrou waved it off, "What's there to thank for? How are you feeling today, does your head still hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore," Lin Tang shook her head.

If she wasn't worried about attracting too much attention, she would have removed the white cloth from her head long ago.

Ning Xinrou relieved, smiled and said, "That's good, eat slowly, take it easy, I'm off to work."

With that, she walked outside.

Lin Tang watched her sister-in-law's retreating figure, her gaze somewhat distant.

The scholarly aura about the sister-in-law was not something ordinary families could foster.

Goudan brought the firewood he had gathered at the foot of the mountain to the courtyard from the doorway.

Wobbling behind him was Choudan.

"Little auntie..." Goudan said with a smile.

Just the thought of eating meat in the evening filled him with joy.

Choudan always followed his brother like a little tail, and on hearing him call for little auntie, his scrawny little face also revealed a soft smile.

Nuonuo said, "... little auntie..."

Both children were skinny, but their eyes were especially clear and bright, as if containing countless stars.

Lin Tang's heart melted at the call of her two little nephews, and she waved at them.

Before Goudan said anything, Choudan had already run up to her side.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Tang asked.

Choudan didn't speak.

He just eyed the egg in front of her, his mouth watering instantly.

"Hungry~" the child said with a soft and adorable milky voice.

Lin Tang, with eyes as soft as a doe's, broke off a small piece of egg white to feed him.

Before Choudan could eat, Goudan got anxious first.