I'm extremely happy in my heart!

He hastily put down the firewood in his hands and took a step forward to pull his younger brother back.

"Little brother, you can't eat this!"

"We just satisfied our cravings last night, and mother said the egg is for auntie to nourish her health."

As he spoke, Goudan glanced at Lin Tang's head covered with cloth.

They were still young, and it was enough for them to eat such treats occasionally, but they couldn't hurt their little auntie.

Lin Tang was utterly moved by Goudan's warm understanding, "It's alright, auntie is full, and besides, it will soon be time for lunch."

Her wound had healed long ago.

She didn't crave for the egg that much either.

She picked up Choudan and placed him on her lap, feeding the egg into her little nephew's mouth.

The four-year-old kid was so lightweight it was concerning.

Lin Tang sighed in her heart, wishing she could get some good food to fatten up all the children at home.

Choudan, the clever little thing, saw that his brother did not stop him and immediately smiled with eyes bent into crescents.

He swallowed the egg in one gulp.

The egg white, pure as white jade, and the drool-worthy yolk.

In an era already deprived of fats and oils, the egg was an irresistible delicacy.

"Good, so tasty!" Choudan's bright, clear eyes widened in amazement, his face full of admiration.

Lin Tang's heart melted at the sight of the child's cuteness, and she stretched out her hand to ruffle his hair, turning her gaze toward Goudan.

"Goudan, come, you have a bite too."

Goudan swallowed and started to run outside, speaking as he went.

"I won't eat, auntie, you eat."

Such a small egg, if he ate more, his little aunt would have less.

Watching the boy's thin figure disappear through the doorway, Lin Tang sighed, her affection for the little one growing even stronger.

Such a well-behaved and sensible child always softens the heart a bit more.

"If your brother won't eat, we'll eat by ourselves," said Lin Tang.

But Choudan wouldn't have it; wriggling his small body, he got off her lap.

He glanced back longingly at the fragrant egg in his little aunt's hand.

Then turned his head and ran toward the door as well.

Watching the little one staggering in the direction where Goudan had vanished, Lin Tang felt a complicated mix of emotions.


She longed to go to the county!

Longed to work and make money!

Longed to buy meat, sugar, and good things...

But even without wishing, she knew she probably wouldn't be able to leave the house anytime soon, let alone go to the county.

After breakfast, Lin Tang went back to her room and took out the things her father had brought over last night.

Her father said they were a parting gift from the Liu Family.

A piece of fabric so small that it couldn't even make a child's garment, plus a few pieces of Mung Bean Cake.

The Mung Bean Cake looked soft and collapsing, probably bought from the supply and marketing cooperative.

At that time, food wasn't about being fancy; having something to eat was already good enough.

Over there, Goudan guessed that his little aunt had finished eating and returned to the courtyard with his younger brother Choudan.

Seeing his brother's dirty hands, Goudan sighed like a little adult.

"Little brother, stop playing with mud and getting your clothes dirty, or dad will spank you." The words were clearly meant to scare him.

Choudan was very small, with a face as petite and delicate as Ning Xinrou's, quite the pretty child.

Facing his brother's disapproval, he just smiled softly.

Goudan was helpless against his brother's weak smile and resigned himself to playing the role of a little nanny.

Lin Tang saw this scene of brotherly respect and couldn't help but smile.

She didn't step forward to help, waiting until the two children were done before she approached with a little paper package.

"Goudan, Choudan, I have some snacks here, you eat them."

Goudan glanced up and saw the soft, sticky cakes with a sweet aroma.

"Auntie, what is this?" the child's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

This treat looked even more tempting than sweet syrup.

In Goudan's eyes, sweet syrup was the ultimate delicacy.

So sweet!

A sip of it, and you'd feel heavenly delight.

Lin Tang handed over the paper package, "This is Mung Bean Cake, you can find it at the county's supply and marketing cooperative, you have it."


The two boys looked at the small paper packet in their hands and swallowed.

Goudan reluctantly took his eyes off the paper packet and looked at Lin Tang, "Auntie Lin, aren't you going to eat?"

This was good stuff.

Lin Tang: "I've already eaten, this is for you, eat it quick.

I'm going to boil water, your grandparents will be back soon."

Having said this, she went to the kitchen.

Goudan carefully pinched off a piece for his younger brother and admonished, "Brother, you eat first, I'll go help Auntie Lin."

Choudan's slim, dark hands caught the not so large piece of Mung Bean Cake and licked it.

It was so sweet it made his eyes curve into crescents.

"Brother, it's delicious."

"It's from the cooperative store, of course, it's delicious. Okay, you eat slowly, just stay at home.

Don't go out, eh? Brother is going to the kitchen," Goudan said as he patted his brother's head.

"Okay~" Choudan said softly.

Lin Tang was busy in the kitchen when she saw Goudan looking perplexed.

"Why did you come here?"

"Auntie Lin, I've come to help you." Saying so, he sat in front of the stove and started to kindle the fire.

The children of poor families had to take responsibilities early.

In this era's rural areas, children Goudan's age could already be considered half an adult.

He deftly placed the dry, flammable leaves into the stove.

Struck a match and gently ignited them.

After adding small kindling, the fire in the stove was born.

Lin Tang gave a thumbs up and praised, "Goudan, you're so capable."

She still had much to learn!

Goudan's dark face blushed, he bashfully said, "Auntie Lin, you're capable too."

"Of course, I'll be the pillar of the household in the future."

"Okay, I don't need you here anymore, hurry out and watch Choudan, don't let others bully him," Lin Tang dismissed her nephew.

Goudan, seeing there was nothing for him to do, took the small paper packet and prepared to go outside.

"Then I'm going out, I'll just be in the courtyard, if you need anything, don't forget to call me."

Lin Tang couldn't help but chuckle at his adult-like words.

Goudan went outside to see Choudan's Mung Bean Cake was already finished.

Now he was licking the crumbs off his hands.

Seeing his brother coming, the little one's eyes lit up, "Brother, it's delicious."

His bright and clear eyes intently gazed at the paper packet in Goudan's hand, his face clearly showing his desire for another piece.

"There're only these few pieces, we can't eat them all up, grandparents, mom and dad haven't had any, we have to save some for the family."

Goudan, seeing his brother's pitiable look, softened his heart and said, "Brother will give you a small half, let's save the rest, okay!"

Saying so, he took out his own piece.

Broke off a half for his brother.

The two brothers happily started eating.

"It's really tasty!" Goudan savoured it with small bites.

Sweet and soft, it was too delicious!

Choudan also said from the side, "Delicious!"


On the way back from work at noon.

Li Xiuli walked with her two daughters-in-law and spotted Zhao Honghua.

"Honghua, you seem to have gotten thinner, is there no food at home?"

Li Xiuli looked at her friend's pale face, her eyebrows knitted together.

It had only been a few days, and Honghua looked even thinner.

A gust of wind could blow her away.

Ning Xinrou and Zhou Mei greeted Zhao Honghua with smiles and quickened their steps to move ahead.

Zhao Honghua smiled and explained, "We still have food at home, just that my appetite hasn't been good these last few days."

Then she changed the subject, "The daughters-in-law you picked are both quite good!"

She hoped her Ziqiang would also marry a good wife.

Ziqiang was already eighteen, it was time to marry.

But their family was poor, and the child's father was uninvolved in anything, no decent girl would look at their conditions favorably.

Thinking of this, Zhao Honghua felt a bit worried.