Chapter 32: Uncertain Weather, Where is the Fault?!

Zhan Se was momentarily distracted, but she quickly came to a realization.

Her mind, always so full of rationality, considered the possibilities and deemed them too unlikely. Thus, looking straight into the man's wicked eyes, a mocking smile appeared on her lips.

"Lord Quan the Fourth, I preliminarily diagnose you with a psychological disorder, a severe one, in need of treatment."

The man narrowed his eyes and stared at her with a smile.

Then, slowly approaching, his wolf-like gaze fixed on her as if she was prey about to be devoured. The arrogant smirk on his face, enhanced by his tall stature, was mixed with an unsettling sense of danger.

A wolf! Or perhaps a leopard?

Zhan Se looked at him calmly, ignoring her quickening heartbeat.

She was gambling, betting that her judgment was right.

"What are you doing?" Zhan Se exclaimed in surprise.

It was over!

Thinking this, she couldn't help but shiver.

Suddenly, her body trembled, and she forcefully pushed him away.