Chapter 33 Most attractive when angry! (1)

Yes, a true beast.

One second she was smiling, the next she could turn her face and not recognize someone.

She rubbed her forehead, feeling so irritated that it was like a fire was rubbing inside her heart.

She really couldn't understand what kind of terrible growing environment could make someone with the Surname Quan develop such detestable habits. What on earth had she done in her last life, so heinous and cruel, that Heaven decided to punish her by having her meet him?

And what exactly did she owe him?

Every time she recalled the look in his eyes yesterday, as if he wished he could kill her, she would get chills down her spine, even doubting herself... Could it be that they really had some blood feud or grievance over a stolen wife, or harm done to a drowned child...?

Go away! Crazy. She didn't even know him.

Letting out a breath, she regained her senses and began to work, shaking the mouse.