Chapter 9 Is it you? An Xiangrong

Gu Mingyu looked at the evasion in An Ling's eyes, frowned slightly, but in the end he said indifferently, "Then let's do as you suggested."

"Let's go, Mo Yun is here. You wanted the Splendid Area project, don't you? Go and negotiate with him."

"Ah Yu, I can't walk anymore, can you carry me?"

Leaning on Gu Mingyu, An Ling's eyes were full of fragility.

The man frowned but didn't say anything, directly picking up An Ling horizontally. As she leaned into Gu Mingyu's embrace, An Ling's eyes were filled with malice.

She must marry Gu Mingyu, no one can stop her.

An Xiangrong, since you want to come back to your death, I will oblige you.

"Don't wander off again in the future. It's just a necklace, just buy it if you like it."

"Ah Yu, you are so good to me."

Hearing the conversation between the man and woman by her side, An Xiangrong felt a sudden pain in her chest and clutched it, collapsing onto the ground.

It's been six years, why does it still hurt when she hears his voice?

"Ah Rong..."

Whispering her name, Lin Baobao was worried as Mo Yun had already left, but An Xiangrong was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah Rong? Ah Rong, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Seeing An Xiangrong huddled in a corner, Lin Baobao's face turned ashen. She reached out to hold An Xiangrong's hand and could feel her whole body trembling.

Her eyes became moist, tears flowed down instantly.

Gathering all her strength, she embraced An Xiangrong and whispered her name, "Ah Rong."

"Baobao, I saw him."

Lin Baobao naturally knew who the "him" was.

Just one look was enough to make An Xiangrong emotionally breakdown. Lin Baobao dared not to think what had happened six years ago.

"Ah Rong, don't think about it, don't think about him. Come on, I'll take you home, Weiwei is still waiting for you at home."


Upon hearing An Wei's name, An Xiangrong regained a little color in her face.

Not until she regained her strength, did Lin Baobao help her into the private elevator.

The lobby.

"Miss An, you are late; I've already given this project to someone else."

Looking at the pure white An Ling, Mo Yun's eyes flickered, contemplating something. But as An Ling heard his words, her face changed, "Mr. Mo, can you tell me who you gave this project to?"

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that for now, but Miss An, you'll find out sooner or later."

As he said the latter part, there was a meaningful smile in Mo Yun's eyes.

"I have other matters to attend to, I must take my leave."

Having said this, Mo Yun didn't even glance at An Ling before he left. She watched him leave, her hand tightly clenched.

If she was the legitimate Mrs. Gu, wouldn't these people dare show her this kind of attitude?

But after so many years, whenever she brought up marriage, Gu Mingyu always dodged the topic. Everyone thought Gu Mingyu hadn't divorced An Xiangrong yet, and only An Ling knew that it was just an excuse.

With the power of the Gu family, if Gu Mingyu wanted a divorce, there would be countless ways to get it.

Over the course of these years, she had taken control of all the industries of the An family. Initially, she assumed Gu Mingyu would object, but seeing as he didn't, she went further without any hesitation.

"What happened?"

"Ah Yu, have you finished your work?"

Hearing Gu Mingyu's voice, An Ling quickly put on a smile. Thinking about Mo Yun's earlier behavior, she couldn't help but ask, "Ah Yu, who is this Mr. Mo? He...he flatly rejected me."


Gu Mingyu was also surprised. Because of him, many people in Rong City would be grateful to get a chance to connect with An Ling. But now someone has rejected her, he was curious.

"Yes, he straightaway rejected me. Ah Yu, could you speak with Mr. Mo…"

"Since he has rejected you, then let it be."

An Ling hadn't finished talking when Gu Mingyu interrupted her.

An Ling was discontented. Besides the Splendid Area, all other industries of the An family were under her control. She could see that Gu Mingyu didn't want to talk further, so she had to follow his pace.

Ocean Hotel was located in the busiest area of the city center, so there was a lot of traffic. Looking at the crowded queue of cars, Lin Baobao's eyes were full of irritation, "Why are all these people running around like ghosts in the middle of the night? Are they out to catch ghosts or something?"

"It's alright, we'll be able to move soon, or else I can drive."

"Then you drive, I really am feeling irritated."

With a sigh, An Xiangrong pushed open the car door. It was boring to wait for the traffic to move, so everyone would generally look out the window.

As An Xiangrong got out of the car, whistles filled the air.

Gu Mingyu's car was to the left of Lin Baobao's. When he heard the commotion, he frowned and glanced out the window.

The wind gusted through the woman's long hair, her picturesque face appeared in Gu Mingyu's view.

The man's heartbeat abruptly stopped.

"Drive ahead!"

"Young Master Gu?"

The driver, Li Mo, was taken aback, but Gu Mingyu's face was filled with excitement and he was staring intensely at Lin Baobao's car, "Drive ahead, quickly!"

"Ah Yu, what's wrong?"

Noticing Gu Mingyu's sudden mood swing, An Ling couldn't help asking. However, the man next to her wasn't even paying attention to her. Instead, he was watching the undisturbed line of cars, fury in his eyes.

Lin Baobao's car had already disappeared around the corner, but Gu Mingyu's car still couldn't move. Li Mo looked troubled. "Young Master Gu, what…"

Gu Mingyu had already closed his eyes.

The woman looked so much like her.

But was it her? Was it An Xiangrong?