Chapter 8 You Will Always Be A Mistress

"Who drew this design?"

"I did."

"The initial intention of the Splendid Area was to create a space for relaxation and leisure, so the design should primarily reflect the countryside, integrating traditional culture and modern design, which will enhance the value perceived by visitors"

When An Xiangrong drew this design, she had in mind the original concept her brother had created, so she was confident she could convince the project manager.

"I didn't expect there to be a designer like you in Rong City. It's really a worthwhile trip for me. Miss, the Splendid Area project is yours."

Although An Xiangrong was very confident, when she really got the project her brother had designed before his death, her eyes were somewhat hot. Looking at Mo Yun, she whispered in thanks, "Thank you."

"Miss, you should introduce yourself first."

"An Xiangrong."

An Xiangrong's expression was back to normal. The woman in front of her was adorned in a fiery red dress, full of allure, but her eyes carried a tint of hostility.

Mo Yun's expression changed several times before he eventually smiled at An Xiangrong, "Miss An, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Nodding to Mo Yun, An Xiangrong rose from the sofa, "Mr. Mo, I hope you can keep this a secret for now."

She didn't want to meet those people so soon, she needed some time to prepare.

But sometimes, things don't go as planned.

In the dim corridor, An Ling was anxiously looking at the ground, the necklace was a birthday gift from Gu Mingyu, she usually wouldn't dare to wear it often.

"Stop right there!"

Seeing An Xiangrong, who suddenly appeared around the corner, An Ling called out to her shadow. She originally wanted to ask if An Xiangrong had seen her necklace, but recognising her as the woman Gu Mingyu had been staring at before, a glint flashed in An Ling's eyes.

Under the dim light, the fiery red dress was particularly captivating.

Jealousy almost overwhelmed An Ling, how could this woman be so beautiful.

The moment she heard An Ling's voice, An Xiangrong's expression changed - the eyes were filled with dark hostility. But she did not turn her head, after a moment of silence, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, then she kept walking.

No one in Rong City has ever dared to ignore her like this. An Ling's eyes were full of rage, she walked up and grabbed An Xiangrong by the hand, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear... you, you..."

"An Ling, long time no see."

Seeing the shock in An Ling's eyes, An Xiangrong revealed a brilliant smile, a smile full of deep and lethal hostility, a face like a devil from hell.

An Ling involuntarily stepped back, she fell to the ground.

"You, you weren't supposed to be gone. Why did you come back?"

"Why did I come back? I'd like to know too. An Ling, every single thing you did six years ago, I'll get back from you one by one. Whatever you owe me, I'll have it back."

An Xiangrong thought she had become immune to it all, but when she saw An Ling, she couldn't hide the resentment in her heart.

But upon seeing An Xiangrong looking like this, An Ling suddenly laughed, her eyes revealing a hidden sense of triumph, "Come for repayment? An Xiangrong, are you looking for the wrong person?"

"Your parents' death, the destruction of the An family, your brother's death, isn't it all because of you? If you hadn't fallen in love with Gu Mingyu, how could everyone in your family have died."

An Xiangrong's face instantly turned pale, her eyes full of despair, looked incredibly bleak under the light.

But the smile on An Ling's face grew deeper, the more An Xiangrong suffered, the more comfortable she felt.

Looking at An Xiangrong who was in great pain, An Ling chuckled quietly, "Do you know? Your brother's corpse was left in the police station for a whole week before it was taken to the crematorium. With your absence, not even a single person claimed his body. Therefore, your brother has been a lonely ghost wandering for six years."

An Ling was all smiles while An Xiangrong's eyes reddened.

Closing her eyes, she roared at An Ling, "Shut up, just shut up."

"An Xiangrong, despite your parents and An Jie devotedly protecting you, in the end, didn't you just end up hiding like a dog…"

An Ling couldn't laugh anymore because An Xiangrong was strangling her neck.

The sensation of suffocation hit her, and a touch of fear appeared in An Ling's eyes, "You, you wouldn't dare to kill me, Ah Yu would...won'"

"Haha...An Ling, as you said, all the people in my family are dead. After all, you're just a dog raised by the An family. The master is gone, should I send you to apologize to my parents and brother?"

As An Xiangrong spoke, she increased the pressure on her hand. No matter how hard An Ling tried to pull away, she couldn't.

For the past six years, An Xiangrong had specifically learned Taekwondo, so she was more than capable of handling An Ling.

The air was quickly running out, and the initial fear in An Ling's eyes turned into pleading.

No, she couldn't die.

"Miss An…"

"Young Master Gu, someone saw Miss An coming this way. She should be found very soon."

A few sounds came from the distance, An Xiangrong appeared to change her expression, but An Ling's eyes overflowed with a glimmer of joy, her look at An Xiangrong was full of triumph.

"Search thoroughly."

The low voice of the man spread out, An Xiangrong's hand trembled.

Looking at An Ling with hatred in her eyes, she leaned towards her ear and said, "An Ling, I will spare your life today, but I want you to witness how I take back everything you stole from me. Plus, I'm still officially Mrs. Gu, in this lifetime, you'll never become Mrs. Gu, you'll always be nothing but a mistress, forever."

She let go of her hand and quickly disappeared around the corner.


As soon as An Xiangrong let go, An Ling lay flat on the ground, coughing non-stop. The sudden influx of air choked her, and tears flowed from her eyes.

"Miss An!"

Hearing An Ling's cough, a bodyguard quickly walked over.

Gu Mingyu looked at An Ling, her face covered in tears. A flash of doubt crossed his eyes as he helped her up, he asked softly, "What happened? Who did this to you?"

An Ling wanted to say it was An Xiangrong.

But thinking about what had happened over the years, she shook her head, "I don't know."

"I just came here to look for my necklace when someone suddenly attacked me. I didn't get a clear look at their faces."

An Xiangrong, who was standing in the corner, was full of suspicion. An Ling surprisingly didn't reveal her name.

But this was also for the best. The current her and Gu Mingyu were too far apart in terms of power.

"Find out who they are."

"No need."

Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, An Ling quickly said, facing the man's questioning and suspicious look, An Ling softly said, "Ah Yu, anyway, I'm fine, let's just leave it. This is, after all, the Lin Family's property. If something really happened, it wouldn't look good."