Chapter 13 The self-harm strategy does not work on me

But An Xiangrong didn't break down into tears as An Ling had expected. Instead, she looked at her with eyes full of mockery. "An Ling, after all these years, your intelligence really hasn't improved at all."

"Regardless, Weiwei is Gu Mingyu's only son. Based on this fact alone, do you think the Gu family would entrust you with raising the child? Don't forget, you're just a nameless mistress who can't even have kids."

Lin Baobao, who had been impatiently listening from the side, gave a sigh of relief when she heard this.

She could put up with being bullied by the scumbag Gu Mingyu.

But if she couldn't even handle An Ling, this innocent-looking troublemaker, she would be infuriated to death.

"An Ling, I heard that Old Lady Gu is currently looking for a suitable maiden from a reputable family for Gu Mingyu. Don't you think Gu Mingyu hasn't married you all these years because he never intended to?"

An Xiangrong's words were like a slap to An Ling's face, and Lin Baobao's words were a knife to her heart.

"You, you..."

An Ling's face turned from green to pale. She was extremely upset.

Upon hearing the noise behind her, she lost her footing and fell backward.

"An Ling?"

Seeing An Ling fall, Lin Baobao was stunned, while An Xiangrong maintained her composure. As An Ling fell into Gu Mingyu's arms, An Xiangrong smirked slightly.

"What happened?"

He turned his head just in time to see An Xiangrong's mocking expression, "Did you bully her again?"

"Is it so that whenever anything happens to An Ling, you think I'm the one to blame?"

"Isn't it?"

Lin Baobao was so angry her eyes turned red. She was about to rush forward, but An Xiangrong stopped her.

"An Xiangrong, I warn you, if anything happens to An Ling, I won't spare you."

With that, Gu Mingyu prepared to leave with An Ling in his arms, but the woman in his arms groggily woke up, her eyes full of hurt. "Ah Yu, Sister said you would never marry me. Even if I bring the child home, it would not be my turn to raise him. She also said I was..."

At the end of her speech, An Ling's eyes welled up with tears while Gu Mingyu's eyes turned increasingly cold. "What did she say?"

Although he asked An Ling, his gaze was on An Xiangrong.

"She called me a barren mistress."

"Did you say that?"

"Yes, I said it, but..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Gu Mingyu slapped her across the face. An Xiangrong hadn't seen it coming and fell to the side, hitting her head on a chair. Blood immediately trickled from her eyes.

Yet An Xiangrong felt no pain.

Seeing the blood on her forehead, Gu Mingyu was intensely disturbed. However, when he saw the scorn and mockery in her eyes, any pity he felt vanished without a trace.

"If there's a next time, An Xiangrong, you will never see the child again in your life."

Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, An Xiangrong's eyes widened, and there was a trace of bleakness in them. As the blood from her eyes flowed down her cheeks, Gu Mingyu inexplicably found it piercing. His lips moved, but in the end, he said nothing.

But An Xiangrong stared at the person in front of her with eyes full of hate. "Gu Mingyu, Weiwei is my son."

Seeing the hatred in her eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, then disdain filled his eyes. "You seem to have forgotten, you have already given up the custody of the child."

"From now on, An Ling will be the child's mother, An Xiangrong. That's what you owe her."

The blood on her cheek dripped slowly onto the ground. An Xiangrong didn't feel the pain, she just felt a strong dizziness.

Looking at the pale An Xiangrong, An Ling in Gu Mingyu's arms burst into an even brighter smile. "Sister, don't worry, I will take good care of the child and treat him as my own."

An Xiangrong did not pay any attention to what An Ling was saying. She just stared at Gu Mingyu.

His eyes were still deep, but there was a hint of maliciousness in them.

And a hint of irritation. Seeing Gu Mingyu like this, An Xiangrong suddenly laughed. However, as she laughed, tears rolled down her face, staining her blood-smeared face and reflecting her resentful sorrow.

When she looked up again, her expression regained a hint of indifference. Looking at the man standing before her, she gently parted her lips, "Gu Mingyu, you'll regret this."

An Xiangrong's voice was very soft, and with a hint of hoarseness. Gu Mingyu could barely hear it, but he couldn't help feeling a little agitated for some reason.

An Ling noticed the change in the man's mood and quickly tugged at his sleeve, "Ah Yu, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable."

"Alright, I'll take you home."

As Gu Mingyu turned around to leave with An Ling in his arms, he looked somewhat hurried. As she watched his retreating figure, An Xiangrong bit her lip tightly.

"Ah Rong?"

Seeing An Xiangrong fall over, Lin Baobao rushed to hold her up.

Perhaps due to excessive blood loss, An Xiangrong's face was as white as paper. Lin Baobao, with eyes red with fury, said, "Let's go, Ah Rong. I'll take you to the doctor first."

"No, I can't... go."

An Xiangrong's breaths were weak. Hearing Lin Baobao's words, she shook her head. "Weiwei is still in the operating room. I need to be there for him."

Lin Baobao wanted to say something, but upon seeing the determination in An Xiangrong's eyes, she held back her words and cursed Gu Mingyu and An Ling in her mind.

Meanwhile, Gu Mingyu was lost in thought.

In the car.

"Ah Yu?"


Only after An Ling called Gu Mingyu for the third time did the man finally respond, his eyes however, were cold. An Ling suddenly fell silent, her words stuck in her throat.

She tried to meet his gaze, then just smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing."

The vehicle sped down the road, but it suddenly stopped at a turn. An Ling, not expecting the sudden halt, was thrown against the car door.

"I have some things to attend to. You head home first. Call me if you need anything."

"Ah Yu, you're going to..."

Seeing Gu Mingyu open the car door to leave, An Ling hurriedly opened her mouth to speak. However, before she could finish, the man's figure had already disappeared down the road.

Two minutes later, a car pulled up in front of Gu Mingyu.

"President Gu, where are we going?"

"To the hospital."

The driver helped Gu Mingyu close the door and then immediately changed direction.

At the hospital.

As soon as the operating room door opened, An Xiangrong stood up. Seeing Weiwei's pale face on the stretcher, worry filled her eyes. To the doctor, she asked quietly, "Doctor, how's my son?"

"He's out of immediate danger for now, but he needs to be observed in the ICU for a few days."

The chief physician looked exhausted, but he couldn't help but advise upon seeing the wound on An Xiangrong's forehead, "Miss, you should get that head wound treated as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

An Xiangrong quietly thanked him but paid no heed. She was about to follow the medical staff when a figure blocked her path.

Seeing Gu Mingyu, who had returned, An Xiangrong trembled inside.

Seeing the dried blood on her face, the man frowned and then scoffed, "Self-harming tricks don't work on me."