Chapter 14 Sudden Situation

An Xiangrong reacted a few seconds later and finally laughed, yet there was not a single hint of humor in her eyes, only a touch of mockery.

When Gu Mingyu looked over, she lowered her eyelids, "Mr. Gu, rest assured, I know."

She had known for a long time that whatever she did or said, he would never believe her.

She knew it six years ago.

He assumed An Xiangrong would argue with him, but seeing the submissive person in front of him only increased his annoyance.

However, An Xiangrong had already walked away, trying to follow the doctor to the ward. Suddenly, a force was applied to her wrist, before she knew it, Gu Mingyu had her pinned against the wall, "An Xiangrong, what are you up to now?"

An Xiangrong's back hit the wall, causing a sharp pain in her chest and her already pallid face turned even more ashen.

Looking at the man in front of her, she spoke softly, "I just want to see my son."

An Xiangrong's tone was slow and carried a hint of inexplicable indifference.

Faced with An Xiangrong's submissiveness, Gu Mingyu felt even more irritable. Meeting her eyes, he suddenly laughed, "No need."

"From now on, An Ling will take care of the child. As for you, you have nothing to do with the child anymore."

After saying this, the man turned around and left.

An Xiangrong's face changed instantly. She hurriedly ran towards the ward, but was blocked at the door by a bodyguard.

"Let me in."

"Miss An, Young Master Gu has instructed that you cannot step foot into this ward."

The bodyguard's eyes were full of indifference, seeing An Xiangrong's bloodied face, he felt a hint of sympathy, but ultimately refused coldly.

Looking at the tightly closed door, An Xiangrong staggered.

Taking a few steps back, An Xiangrong slowly turned around.

"Ah Rong, why are you running... Ah Rong, what's happened?"

Throwing the medicine and gauze aside, Lin Baobao spoke softly to the distraught An Xiangrong.

"He won't let me see Weiwei, Baobao. I can't even protect Weiwei."

An Xiangrong looked sad and desperate. Looking at the bodyguard standing at the door, Lin Baobao's eyes were filled with anger, "He's such a scum."

Worried that Gu Mingyu would make things difficult for An Xiangrong again, Lin Baobao quickly helped her up, "Ah Rong, let's go for now. We can come back later, I have a way to let you see Weiwei."

Hearing Lin Baobao's words, An Xiangrong's eyes were filled with excitement, but she quickly regained her calm, "Baobao, don't confront him. It will put Sister Qing in a difficult position."

"I'm not stupid. Of course, I won't directly confront that scumbag Gu Mingyu."

Even if she had the idea, she wouldn't have the guts to do it.

Seeing An Xiangrong's puzzled eyes, Lin Baobao whispered a few words in her ear. Upon hearing her words, An Xiangrong frowned, "Director Xiao probably won't help us."

"We won't know until we try."

At dawn, An Xiangrong walked into Director Xiao's office.

Seeing her, Director Xiao was not surprised, "Miss An, long time no see."

"I came late at night because I have a favor to ask you, Director Xiao."

"You want me to take you to see the child?"


An Xiangrong was not surprised that Director Xiao had guessed her intent and nodded in response.

Director Xiao's gaze fell on An Xiangrong. Except for her face, he could no longer see any trace of the once affluent woman.

"Okay, I agree."

Just as An Xiangrong expected Director Xiao to refuse her, the man in front of her answered softly. She was taken aback, then smiled faintly, "Thank you."

That smile, blooming like a firework, made Director Xiao freeze.

Once he snapped out of it, he felt even more puzzled by Gu Mingyu. Choosing a wild flower over a real, beautiful one, he couldn't understand Gu Mingyu's taste.

Half an hour later, Gu Mingyu appeared at An Wei's door with a nurse. That nurse was none other than An Xiangrong.

On seeing Director Xiao, none of the bodyguards tried to stop her, so An Xiangrong went in directly with him.

As she entered the ward, An Xiangrong couldn't help but look at An Wei on the bed.

The tiny figure was surrounded by an array of machines and his hand had a needle inserted in it. An Xiangrong wanted to touch An Wei but did not dare to stretch her hand out.

"Miss An, I'll wait for you outside. You only have twenty minutes."

"Thank you."

After Director Xiao left, An Xiangrong gently grasped An Wei's other hand; his fingertips were cold. She covered it with her other hand, cradling An Wei's hand in her own.

"Weiwei, I'm sorry, Mommy didn't protect you."

Leaning down, she kissed his forehead, and the tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

The little boy on the bed struggled to open his eyes.


"Weiwei, you're awake. Is there anything uncomfortable, Mommy will call the doctor."

As she said this, An Xiangrong was about to leave, but a weak force clutched her sleeve. She turned to see An Wei's pale little face, "Mommy, I'm okay, can you stay with me?"

The little boy's face was filled with pleading. An Xiangrong couldn't deny him, so she nodded and sat down.

"Mommy, I'm sorry, if I hadn't been constantly sick, you wouldn't have had to return home. It's Weiwei's fault that Mommy isn't happy."

An Wei was young, but he knew everything.

Even though An Xiangrong was wearing a nurse's cap, An Wei still saw the bandage on her head. He stretched out his little hand and gently touched her bandage, "Mommy, does it hurt?"

"Mommy isn't hurt, Mommy's fine."

"Mommy, who hurt you?"

Just a moment ago, An Wei's face had been full of warmth and gentleness. Suddenly, his face changed to become incredibly cold and stern, filled with malevolence.

Hearing An Wei's words, An Xiangrong was stunned, but quickly laughed, "This is from where Mommy accidentally bumped into something. Mommy's fine."

"Mommy, I don't want to stay here, I want to go home. Will you take me home?"

The tears she had been holding back almost fell as she stroked An Wei's little face. She whispered, "Can we wait a while? Weiwei's body isn't well yet, he still needs treatment. Later, we will go home."

"Be a good boy, listen."

Seeing that the little boy was about to say something on the bed, An Xiangrong cut him off.

"Young Master Gu, Miss An?"

Sudden noises came from the door, and An Xiangrong's eyes were filled with panic.

She never expected Gu Mingyu and An Ling to come over so late.

"Why did you come so late?"

Hearing Director Xiao's voice, An Xiangrong whispered to An Wei, "Weiwei, Mommy will come back to see you later. Be a good boy and wait for Mommy."

Whether An Wei could understand or not, An Xiangrong prepared to leave. Just as she was about to step out, Gu Mingyu entered with An Ling.