Chapter 15: The Child That is Born is Also Annoying

An Xiangrong hurriedly stood aside, lowering her head.

Xiao Han glanced at An Xiangrong and breathed a sigh of relief, speaking to her, "You can leave once the examination is done."

An Xiangrong didn't utter a word, she just walked towards the exit. However, a deep voice came from behind her, "Wait."

An Xiangrong's heart raced, and even Xiao Han looked a bit nervous. He looked directly at Gu Mingyu and asked, "What happened?"

Gu Mingyu didn't look at Xiao Han but instead looked at An Xiangrong, "Before you came in, was anyone else here?"

After receiving the call from his bodyguard, he rushed over immediately, only to find the woman had already left.

She truly had a heart of stone, not caring about the safety of her own child.

Hearing Gu Mingyu, An Xiangrong bowed her head even lower, suppressing her voice to reply, "No."

"You can leave."

She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but An Xiangrong thought she detected a hint of disappointment in Gu Mingyu's tone.

"Ah Yu, I have prepared some porridge for the child, why don't we have the nurse feed him some?"

"Can he eat anything right now?"

Gu Mingyu didn't reply to An Ling, instead turning his attention towards Xiao Han.

Seeing An Xiangrong's figure disappear through the door, Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing Gu Mingyu's question, he spoke indifferently, "He can have some porridge."

Throughout the exchange, An Wei remained silent, simply observing the people in front of him. He looked curiously, and with a hint of anger, at Gu Mingyu. When he saw An Ling, his eyes filled with disgust.

"Do you know who I am?"

Leaning over the bed, Gu Mingyu looked down at An Wei. He had never really interacted with the child, so he proceeded with a more adult-like interaction.

An Wei, being silent all along and watching Gu Mingyu, did not respond until Gu Mingyu continued, "I'm your dad."

"I don't have a dad. My dad is just a sperm."

An Wei, who had been silent all along, spoke insensitively after Gu Mingyu finished speaking.

Upon hearing his words, all three in the room were stunned. Xiao Han almost burst into laughter while Gu Mingyu looked taken aback for a moment. "Is that what your mom taught you?"

Before An Wei could respond, Gu Mingyu pointed at An Ling and said, "Going forward, she is your mother and she will take good care…"

"Couldn't you at least find a prettier stepmother for me? She is so ugly, I have no idea how you manage. You actually look pretty good, who would have thought that your taste is so bad."


The moment An Wei finished speaking, Xiao Han burst into laughter. He met Gu Mingyu's warning gaze and muttered, "Sorry," but his eyes held no remorse.

Looking at An Wei's face, which held a certain resemblance to An Xiangrong's, An Ling's eyes darkened with rage. She wanted nothing more than to strangle him right there and then.

But in front of Gu Mingyu, she couldn't do anything.

After gripping her palms fiercely, she looked at Gu Mingyu with resignation in her eyes, "Ah Yu, it's alright, I won't hold it against a child. Since he is your son, he is naturally also my son, I will take good care of him in the future."

"Alright, then please be patient."

An Ling had expected that Gu Mingyu would chastise An Wei, but to her surprise, he simply agreed with her. An Ling's face froze in shock.

However, Gu Mingyu had already begun to pour the porridge from the thermos into a bowl. Looking at An Wei lying on the bed, he spoke softly, "You haven't eaten in a long time, have some porridge."

Looking at Gu Mingyu, who was completely calm, An Wei's eyes turned complex.

Shifting his gaze, he directly looked at An Ling and said, "Then let her feed me."

Upon hearing An Wei's words, An Ling frowned, but An Wei thought it was amusing. "Weren't you just saying that you would take good care of me? Now, just from a simple request to feed me porridge, you are displeased."

"Of course not, I am more than willing," An Ling replied hurriedly with a smile upon seeing Gu Mingyu looking at her.

Walking next to him she softly spoke, "Ah Yu, let me do it instead, please hand me the bowl."

"Fine, I appreciate it."

Having passed the bowl of porridge to An Ling, he spoke softly.

Taking a small spoonful of porridge, An Ling moved it towards An Wei's mouth, gently coaxing, "Come on, Weiwei, have some porridge."

Looking at An Ling, An Wei's young face wore a hint of mockery and coldness. He opened his mouth, and even before his lips touched the spoon, he began yelling out in pain, "It's hot, so hot…"

"What happened?"

Seeing the expression of pain on An Wei's face, Gu Mingyu quickly stepped forward forcing An Ling to a side.

His face was full of concern looking at An Wei.

An Ling clenched her fists and her face turned dark.

Xiao Han watched the entire scene unfold from the side, his gaze sweeping across An Wei, a small and ambiguous smile playing in his eyes.

"Ah Yu, I didn't mean to," An Ling responded with an aggrieved look on her face when she saw Gu Mingyu carefully checking An Wei's mouth.

After confirming that there was no injury in An Wei's mouth, Gu Mingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to An Ling, "You haven't taken care of a child before. You need to be more careful."

"I know, I will be."

After hearing Gu Mingyu's words, An Ling went forward to the bedside again. This time, she made sure to cool the porridge in the spoon before bringing it to An Wei's mouth.

This time, An Wei obediently swallowed the porridge.

While An Ling was feeding An Wei, Gu Mingyu and Xiao Han stepped out. "How is he doing?" Gu Mingyu asked.

"An Wei's health isn't very good. He has congenital heart disease and severe sepsis. In addition to undergoing regular blood transfusions, he also needs long-term drug therapy."

"Is there a way to treat him?"


"What is it?"

There was a complicated look in Xiao Han's eyes. Seeing his good friend's anxious expression, he lowered his voice and whispered a few words in Gu Mingyu's ear.

Upon hearing Xiao Han's words, Gu Mingyu's eyes filled with deep emotion, "Is there no other way?"

"This is the safest method, using the umbilical cord blood from a sibling. It's the best way to treat sepsis."

The question now is whether Gu Mingyu is willing to have another child with An Xiangrong.


A sudden scream came from the bedroom, and Gu Mingyu hurried in. However, upon seeing the situation, he froze.

An Ling was sitting on the floor, her head and face covered in white porridge.

And An Wei was lying on the bed, looking at her coldly.

"Ah Yu, he…he just threw the porridge onto my head."

An Ling's eyes were red with anger. Yet, in front of Gu Mingyu, she couldn't vent it on An Wei. From his pocket, Gu Mingyu handed her a handkerchief. Then, he turned to An Wei, "Did it happen that way?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?"

There was a lot of mockery in the child's eyes, and looking at him, Gu Mingyu was reminded of An Xiangrong.

Seeing that he remained silent, the mockery in An Wei's eyes deepened, "There you go, you've already made up your mind, so why bother asking me?"

"An Wei, you can't just do whatever you want simply because you are sick."

Gu Mingyu regained his composure and looked at An Wei with a warning in his eyes. But the latter simply shrugged and turned his face away, closing his eyes.