Chapter 41: The Shop Was Smashed

Lin Baobao wanted to say more, but upon seeing the resolve and determination in An Xiangrong's eyes, she closed her mouth.

An Xiangrong, a person of action, went the very next morning to ZhongNan Road. Lin Baobao could only watch helplessly. After all, An Xiangrong had a background in design, while she hadn't even obtained her college degree yet.

"Miss An, there's news from the other side."

Since An Ling learned that the shop was bought by An Xiangrong, she had someone monitoring it constantly.

Receiving the document handed over by her assistant, her eyes were filled with mixed feelings.

Looking at the pictures of An Xiangrong rolling up her sleeves, working to set up the shop herself, even personally painting the walls, An Ling's eyes were filled with complex emotions, which quickly turned into gloom.

She crumpled the photo in hand, throwing it directly into a trashcan.

"I need you to do something for me."