Chapter 42: I bear it alone

Before he could speak, An Xiangrong continued, "Two hundred thousand. The conservative estimate for everything you've destroyed is two hundred thousand. Now, who should I go to for this money?"

While she spoke, a faint smile hung on An Xiangrong's face, but those being held back by her became silent, their expressions filled with panic.

"I don't have the money, Miss Xiangrong. I, Li San, am the one who caused this mess, and I alone will bear the responsibility," came the reply.

Li San was the man leading the group.

Hearing his words, a hint of surprise flashed in An Xiangrong's eyes. Despite their thuggish appearance, Li San's frank demeanor gave her a sense of justice.

Discarding the pieces of glass on the sofa onto the floor, An Xiangrong took a seat and said to Li San, "I can let this slide, but there is something I would like you to do for me."

"What is it?"

"Call the woman who sent you and arrange a meeting."