Chapter 55: Hot Potato

"Ah Rong, what are you doing?"

Seeing An Xiangrong immediately untie the ropes around her body, Lin Baobao's face turned pale.

After quickly unwinding the rope around her waist, An Xiangrong threw the rope across the room. Seeing the urgency in Lin Baobao's eyes, she spoke softly, "You have to go."

"No, if we go, we go together…"

"Only if you go can you come back for me, go quickly."

As the noise neared, before Lin Baobao could finish her sentence, An Xiangrong interrupted her. After she finished speaking, An Xiangrong immediately closed the window.

Looking at the closed window, Lin Baobao's eyes were bloodshot, but she held back tears and left. An Xiangrong was right, only if she could get out could she go find help.

The room door opened as the window closed.

Seeing An Xiangrong unrestrained, a mixture of fury filled the eyes of the man who entered, "Where is that woman?"

An Xiangrong just gave him a cold glance without uttering a word.

"Aren't you going to talk?"