Chapter 54: Leveled to the Ground

"You want to see our boss?"


Seeing Li San nod, Liu Er scoffs with disdain, scorn in his eyes, "Who do you think you are, thinking our boss would just see you on a whim?"

Listening to Liu Er's words, Li San's face darkens, his expression turning cold, "Liu Er, I genuinely have business to discuss with Scorpion today, you'd better step aside."

"What kind of business could you possibly have? If I don't step aside, what are you going to do to me..."

"Ah Si, ignore his nonsense, take action."

A voice suddenly comes from the car. When Liu Er turns to look, Ah Si has already kicked him in the stomach. Liu Er falls to the ground and after being dazed for a few seconds, he looks toward his men, "Are you all dead? Why aren't you helping me?"


Ah Si holds his dagger near Liu Er's throat and hauls him up from the ground. Detecting the murderous intent from Ah Si, Liu Er's face changes drastically, he quickly says, "Don't, don't come closer."

"Sir, you?"