Chapter 59: I'm Just Saving My Son's Mother

Looking at the man lying on the ground, An Xiangrong's eyes were filled with complexity, but no matter how she called out, Gu Mingyu couldn't respond to her.

Gu Mingyu's bodyguards had already stepped forward and put him directly into the car. An Xiangrong instinctively reached out her hand, but she was held by Mu Yan, "Come on, let's go to the hospital."

An Xiangrong was directly lifted into the car by Mu Yan. She turned her head and saw that Gu Mingyu's bodyguards had already started the car.

The car drove all the way and managed to reach the hospital. An Xiangrong was quickly taken to the examination room.

"Miss Xiangrong, your hand needs to be detoxified. It will hurt a bit, bear with it."

After the examination, the most severe injuries An Xiangrong had were on her hands and feet from the rope rubbing against her skin, especially the palms of her hands, and the corner of her mouth.