Chapter 60 Stop Mentioning Him!

"What do you mean, 'what should I do'?"

"Gu Mingyu? Don't tell me you don't understand what I mean. No matter what, this time he risked his life for you, you..."

"So what?"

An Xiangrong interrupted Lin Baobao before she could finish.

Remembering the words she'd heard in the hospital, An Xiangrong's eyes chilled. She stared coldly at Lin Baobao, "Perhaps saving me was merely convenient for him. Moreover, the things he's done... are they suddenly forgivable just because he saved me once?"

By the end of her words, anger filled An Xiangrong's eyes. Seeing this anger, Lin Baobao voiced her confusion, "Ah Rong, what happened?"

"It's nothing," she responded.

After a few seconds of silence, An Xiangrong regained her composure, "I don't want to talk about him."

"Okay, then we won't discuss him."

"I was only worried that you might foolishly forgive him because he saved you this time. Now that you're not bothered, I can relax."