Chapter 119: Signed the Life and Death Agreement

After finishing that sentence, Xie An walked right out.

An Xiangrong sat on the sofa, unable to move at all. However, through the window, she could see the scene taking place down below.

At a single glance downward, An Xiangrong realized that this was something like a boxing gym, yet different - it was a clear-cut Underground Boxing Gym.

Although she hadn't encountered this kind of thing before, An Xiangrong had heard about it.

The place suddenly fell into silence because Gu Mingyu walked into the gym. Gu Mingyu clearly didn't fit in here. Since the moment he appeared, everyone had been watching him with a hawk-like gaze.

The man, however, didn't look at anyone, but he directly addressed Haozi, "Hand over the person. I can pretend that nothing ever happened."