Chapter 120: The Person Escaped?

Those who came to the Underground Boxing Gym were all bloodthirsty at core. Seeing the current scene, no one felt worried--- they were only filled with excitement.

Through the crowd, An Xiangrong could already see that Gu Mingyu's face had taken on a pale hue. On one side stood Xie An, with his eyes filled with excitement.

Bighead was very strong. He tightly held onto the iron chain in his hands. No matter how Gu Mingyu struggled, the chain remained tightly wound around his neck. Just when everyone thought Mingyu was doomed, he suddenly raised his hand, striking Bighead's chin. Bighead reflexively let go.

Gu Mingyu immediately sprung up, smacking his fist directly towards Bighead's eyes.


Bighead covered his injured eye with his hand and let out an involuntary cry of pain. This, however, only served to further enrage him. Uncovering his wound, his stare at Gu Mingyu was filled with ruthlessness.

He wrapped the iron chain around his fist, glaring at Gu Mingyu.