Chapter 199: I Must Have You Today

Seeing the look in An Wei's eyes, An Xiangrong quietly coaxed him.

An Wei nodded but said nothing.

Murong Cheng gave a look to the bald man, who carried the child away. Watching An Wei disappear into the cabin, the gentleness in An Xiangrong's eyes vanished instantly. She turned to the man beside her and said coldly, "Murong Cheng, what are you trying to do?"

"An Xiangrong, haven't you noticed anything?"

Murong Cheng responded with a counter-question. At that moment, An Xiangrong realized that the ship was already some distance away from the shore.

Her eyes flickered, but quickly returned to normal. She looked at Murong Cheng with puzzled eyes. Meeting his gaze, he began to speak with a smile, "The Zhongshan Association is no more, I am leaving, but before I leave, I'm taking you with me."

Upon hearing Murong Cheng's words, An Xiangrong fell silent.

She couldn't help but look towards the shore.

On the shore.