Chapter 200: The Killer is Someone Else

Looking at the incoming figure, Murong Cheng's eyes were filled with panic, a silver light flashed before his eyes, and his breathing halted swiftly.

The man squatting nearby picked up the dagger Gu Mingyu had discarded, placing it by his side before departing with a smile.

An Xiangrong was blissfully unaware of these events.

After she disembarked from the boat, Chui Rong immediately drove the car to where she was. Gu Mingyu and An Xiangrong sat in the back with An Wei. Initially, An Xiangrong noticed nothing wrong. However, she soon picked up on heavy panting coming from Gu Mingyu.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss Xiangrong, Young Master Gu's injuries are not yet healed."

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's voice, Chui Rong remembered the man's injury. When Chui Rong spoke, An Xiangrong immediately turned to Gu Mingyu's abdomen. He had changed back into his previous clothes, but his stomach area was discolored.

"To the hospital."

Upon seeing his wound, An Xiangrong quickly ordered.