Chapter 305 Let's Talk

Lin Qing and Liu Xi were not very acquainted, but they knew that the other was good friends with Lin Qing's sister, so Lin Qing went straight over to her.

"Are you alright?"

Helping Liu Xi up from the ground, Lin Qing's eyes were filled with worry.

"And you are?"

"I'm Lin Qing, Baobao's older sister."

"Miss Lin, thank you. I'm fine."

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Liu Xi shook her head slightly, speaking softly, but her face was pale. Seeing her condition, Lin Qing couldn't help but speak up, "Nevermind, I'll give Ah Rong a call, ask her to come..."

"No, no need."

Before Lin Qing could finish, Liu Xi hurriedly interrupted, meeting Lin Qing's perplexed look, Liu Xi said softly, "Don't trouble Miss Xiangrong."

Seeing Liu Xi's insistence, Lin Qing didn't say anything more, but when she turned to look at Zhao Ran, her expression was far from friendly.

"Miss, deliberately assaulting someone can result in a prison sentence."