Chapter 306: If You're Willing

Hearing An Xiangrong's words, Song Yi's eyes were full of confusion. Looking at his expression, An Xiangrong repeated what Lin Qing and she had said, then turned to Song Yi and spoke, "Liu Xi asked Sister Qing not to mention this, but I don't want Zhao Ran to persist."

"Song Yi, Mrs. Song is your mother. I can't do anything to her for your sake and for Gu Mingyu's sake. But if the Zhao Family bullies Liu Xi, don't blame me for being ruthless."

There was a look of discomfort in Song Yi's eyes, but it wasn't because of An Xiangrong, it was because of Zhao Ran.

Now, upon hearing An Xiangrong's words again, the already grim expression on Song Yi's face grew even grimmer. Facing the look on An Xiangrong's face, he directly spoke, "Miss Xiangrong, don't worry, I know how to handle this. Such a thing will absolutely not happen a second time."

"It better not, otherwise I won't mind dealing with Zhao Ran myself."