Chapter 349: Sudden Changes


Upon hearing An Xiangrong's words, surprise flashed in Gu Mingyu's eyes. She had thought that he wouldn't be interested in this type of clothing, since Hanfu was currently primarily a niche female market.

However, seeing Gu Mingyu's expression, there seemed to be an unexplained spark of interest in his eyes.

Looking across at him, An Xiangrong softly said, "Are you aware of it? Or is the Gu Group involved it too?"

"Don't you forget, we own a film and television company"

It naturally involved customizing some period costumes for filming, so as the boss, Gu Mingyu was familiar with Hanfu.

Upon hearing this, An Xiangrong no longer found his interest surprising. She turned towards the man next to her and whispered," Miss Wen and I are discussing a Hanfu project, where my plan is to focus on simplistic designs."

This idea did not surprise Gu Mingyu in the slightest; it was exactly what he would've thought of first. "So, what do you need my help with, Miss Xiangrong?"