Chapter 350: You actually gave her a blood transfusion?

"Ah Rong, am I too helpless?"

As she received the bread from An Xiangrong's hands, Lin Baobao spoke in a low voice. Despite her hushed voice, her words clearly echoed in An Xiangrong's ears. Upon hearing her, An Xiangrong tightened her grip on Lin Baobao's hand, "If Sister Qing knew about your thoughts, she would be very upset."

"They are out."

Just when Lin Baobao was about to respond, a man's deep voice echoed in her ears. Putting down what they were holding, Lin Baobao and An Xiangrong turned their gazes towards the operating room door simultaneously.

The operation room's door swung open, but it was Liu Xi who came out, not Lin Qing.

Upon seeing her, Lin Baobao quickly asked, "Liu Xi, where is my sister?"

"Sister Qing is still in surgery. Her condition isn't very good. Baobao, Sister Qing needs to continue her blood transfusion, but the hospital's blood bank is running short, can you..."

"Use mine."