Chapter 420 Who Are You Exactly

"We wouldn't be looking to you if it wasn't important."

Before Gu Mingyu even had a chance to speak after Mu Ye's words, Mu Yan couldn't help but interject first.

"I'm giving you one week. If you can locate Ah Rong within that time, I'll give you ten million. If you find her within five days, thirty million. Within three days, fifty million. If you can bring her back in good condition, you can name your price."

"Young Master Gu, are you serious?"

In Mu Ye's memory, this was the first time he heard Gu Mingyu say so much. Every single word was like adrenaline to him.

No one on this earth would complain about having too much money, especially someone like him who has been drifting in the underworld. Unexpected death could come at any moment, but as long as the money was plentiful, he would be much more at peace.

Hearing Mu Ye's response, Gu Mingyu didn't say anything. He simply pulled out a checkbook. Leaving a blank check, he pushed it to Mu Ye and stood up from the sofa.