Chapter 421: Think Carefully About What I Said

"Before asking who someone else is, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

Despite this being Chu Yang's mansion, An Xiangrong's expression did not improve at the sight of Zhong Yao's gloomy face.

Upon hearing Zhong Yao's words, she promptly retorted.

"Miss Xiangrong, this is Miss Zhong."

The butler quickly stepped forward, smiling broadly as he spoke to An Xiangrong. Seeing his benign demeanor, An Xiangrong nodded gratefully, "Thank you. Could you tell me where Chu Yang is?"

"The young master has gone to the old house."

Upon hearing this, An Xiangrong frowned. She had planned to talk to Chu Yang, to ascertain what it would take for him to let her leave.

But An Xiangrong didn't wish to inconvenience the butler, so upon hearing his response, she chose not to pursue it further.