Chapter 496: Behave Yourself

Hearing Chu Anran's words, An Xiangrong showed some surprise in her eyes. Although she hadn't paid attention to the happenings in Jinling City, she was aware that Gu Mingyu's main purpose for acquiring the Xu Group was to let Chui Rong manage it.

If the shares went to Chu Anran, then...

An Xiangrong subconsciously looked towards Chui Rong. He too showed some surprise in his eyes but said nothing.

In comparison, Gu Mingyu seemed completely unfazed. Upon hearing Chu Anran's request, he directly asked, "how many shares does Miss Chu currently hold?"

"Twenty-two percent."

"Miss Chu, are you aware that I was preparing to hand over the Xu Group to Chui Rong to manage?"

"Yes, I know."

At these words, Chu Anran's eyes held a hint of complexity. After nodding, she continued, "If Young Master Gu is willing, I can offer a high price."

"If Chui Rong is willing to give them to you, I won't take a dime."