Chapter 497: Kidnapped?

"So, Sister Jiajia, it's really you who kidnapped me. Why? What happened? Why would you kidnap me? My sister will be angry, you..."

"Shut up!"

Before Chu Anning could finish, Song Jia cut her off promptly.

Looking at Chu Anning, Song Jia's eyes were filled with hatred. "Don't mention Chu Anran to me. Do I still have any respect for her? Anning, out of consideration for our shared past, I don't wish to hurt you. But don't provoke me, or I won't be polite."

"Song Jia, then why don't you tell me what you want to do, so I can cooperate with you."

Hearing Song Jia's words, surprise filled Chu Anning's eyes. By the time she finished speaking, the way she addressed Song Jia had changed.

Chu Anning indeed was naive, but only because her elder sister was there to handle everything for her. But that did not mean she was stupid. Seeing Song Jia's demeanor, she could somewhat guess what had happened. But no matter what, she would always stand with her sister.