Chapter 1 005 The Mysterious Disappearance of the Buyer_1

Being determined enough to be ruthless was not as easy as it seemed.

The child was in her womb, growing slowly from a fertilized egg. She could feel the child growing every moment.

Their blood was connected, and with each passing day, each passing minute, she felt her love for her child growing thicker.

From the fourth month onwards, her affection for her child was simply uncontrollable.

This troubled her deeply. How could she bear to leave when the time came?

"Miss Lin, please drink your Bird Nest!" The nanny brought over the freshly made Bird Nest porridge.

"Thank you!"

Lin Xiangwan took it cautiously, scooped up a spoonful, and put it into her mouth.

Bird Nest was such a luxurious food. She had heard that eating more Bird Nest while pregnant would result in a fair and smart child. She decided to eat more for the sake of her child.

"Huh, why hasn't the old lady arrived yet?" The nanny glanced at the time and asked strangely.

She always arrived at this time!

"Right?!" Lin Xiangwan also found it strange. When she left yesterday, the old lady had said she would come early today to accompany her for the prenatal checkup!

"Maybe something held her up today!" The nanny looked curiously at Lin Xiangwan. "That old lady treats you like her granddaughter-in-law already. Miss Lin, you're really lucky."

"Hehe..." Lin Xiangwan laughed but didn't comment.

They had an agreement beforehand not to mention the surrogacy to others.

Lin Xiangwan touched her protruding belly, feeling a wave of sadness as she realized she'd have to give birth to the baby in three months. What would she do then?

Lin Xiangwan closed her eyes and apologized to her baby for the umpteenth time. 'Babies, Mommy is sorry. She can't be with you as you grow up. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...'

The old lady didn't come, so she had no choice but to ask the nanny to accompany her to the hospital.

Fortunately, she had made an appointment beforehand. They didn't have to queue and went directly into the examination room.

"Both babies are growing very well, much more robust than average twins. Miss Lin, you're doing great!" The doctor praised.

Hearing that her baby was well, Lin Xiangwan showed a faint smile. "Thank you!"

"Didn't the old lady accompany you today?" The doctor asked.

"No!" Lin Xiangwan shook her head.

The doctor was also puzzled. "That's unusual. The old lady regards the babies in your belly as more important than herself!"

True. Lin Xiangwan felt a sense of unease.

On the way home, the road to her house was heavily congested.

"What's going on? It's not usually this congested." The nanny asked the taxi driver.

The taxi driver leaned out the window to inquire from someone. "What's the hold-up?"

"There's been a car accident. A BMW X5 collided with a container truck. It looks serious!" Someone responded.

Hearing the bad news, the heavily pregnant Lin Xiangwan felt her heart flutter uncontrollably with fear.

She didn't understand why she was scared, since it had nothing to do with her.


The old lady still didn't show up and she didn't have the old lady's contact number, so she had been unreachable for two months. The nanny's attitude towards her got worse because her salary hadn't been paid for two months.

One day, the nanny finally couldn't bear it any longer, and came out with her luggage. "Miss Lin, are you sure you don't have any money to pay me?"

Lin Xiangwan looked at her apologetically. "Yes, I really don't have any extra money!"

"Okay, I've done everything I can for you. I can no longer work for you for free. After all, I also have a child to raise!"

"I'm really sorry!" Lin Xiangwan continued to apologize.

The nanny stormed off in a huff!

As she watched the nanny leave, an idea began to take hold in Lin Xiangwan's mind.

Since the old lady hadn't been around for a while, would anyone notice if she left too?

However, could she really leave this house?

As if God took pity on her and tried to protect her, a representative from the intermediary company came over next. They asked her to leave, as the rent had not been paid for a month.

Almost without giving her time to react, they directly packed her luggage and drove her out.

Spotting the name of the tenant with the intermediary company's staff, Lin Xiangwan received a shock. The tenant was a young man in his twenties, and the ID card he had provided was a fake.

Lin Xiangwan stood foolishly on the street, and after a long while, she finally understood. Her children were probably abandoned!

Looking at her belly, she didn't know whether to be sad or happy. "Babies, it seems you won't be separated from Mommy. That's great! But where can we go now?"

"Xiangwan..." a woman's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiaoqi!" Lin Xiangwan cried out in surprise.

Xiaoqi was her high school classmate. She was kind, helpful, and willing to stand up for her friends.

"Hey, long time no see..." Before she could finish her greeting, Xiaoqi gaped and blinked. "Wow, you're having a baby? Is it Song Yichen's?"

At the sudden shock, Lin Xiangwan felt a pang in her belly. "Ahh... Xiaoqi... I think I'm going into labor!"

"Ahh..." Xiaoqi, a twenty-year-old girl who had never experienced such a scene before, was immediately flustered. "What... what should we do? What should we do!"

Lin Xiangwan managed to say through gritted teeth. "Quick... take me to the hospital. Don't tell... Yichen, it has nothing to do with him!"

"How can it not matter to Song Yichen when you're having a baby?" It took Xiaoqi a moment to understand. "Okay, got it!"

Xiaoqi helped Lin Xiangwan into a taxi and drove towards the hospital.

A black Volkswagen immediately followed them...

"Ahh...Ah!" Lying on the white sheets, Lin Xiangwan was screaming hysterically. Her hair was already drenched in sweat.

The doctor pressed on her belly, urging her, "Hold on, Mommy. The baby is about to come out!"


"Wah... Wah..." The newborn's cry rang out.

"Wah... Wah..."

Soon, a second cry was heard.

"Both babies are healthy and cute. You're an amazing mom!" The doctor congratulated Lin Xiangwan by her bedside.

Upon hearing this, Lin Xiangwan passed out from exhaustion!

When she opened her eyes, it was already six in the evening.

The first thing she did was to look for her children. She saw one baby, wrapped in a red blanket, sleeping peacefully beside her.

The baby's small face was fair, eyes long, and his tiny nose adorable—much prettier than she had ever imagined.

She attempted to stand up and survey the room, but she couldn't find the other baby. "Xiaoqi, where's my other baby?"