Chapter 1 004 Identical Twins_1

As the door opened, the young master convulsed all over.

"Madam, the.... the young master... Is he in danger?" the butler asked.

"How would I know, quickly, knock him out!" the old grandma ordered.

"Hit... are we really supposed to hit him?" The aged butler hesitated with the club in his hand, reluctant to strike.

"Hurry up, or else my grandson's life..." could be jeopardized.

The old butler lifted the wooden club, wavering between left and right. "So where do I strike?"

"Oh, you useless thing, let me do it!" the old grandma snatched the club and swung it at her grandson's head.

With a 'thud', the man on the bed passed out.

Lin Xiangwan was sent away!

The room returned to tranquillity.


After that night, the old lady gave Lin Xiangwan another one hundred thousand dollars, which she promptly transferred to the hospital to cover the surgery fee of two hundred thousand dollars.

At the same time, she was confined to the villa's garden.

The reason? The old lady insisted on ensuring a suitable environment for the child's upbringing, not giving the mother any chance to interfere.

Lin Xiangwan had no complaints.

After all, the child was in her womb; if someone had to be confined, it should be her.

Half a month later, when the doctor confirmed her pregnancy, the noble grandma, who had been anxious, cried with joy. "My grandson, there's a successor, there's a successor!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Xiangwan found it hard to describe her feeling. Shock, ache, and a bit of excitement intertwined.

She gently stroked her belly, as it nurtured a child- her child!

The grandma's excitement wasn't echoed by Lin Xiangwan, which immediately upset her. She narrowed her eyes and questioned, "Aren't you happy that you're having a baby?"

Lin Xiangwan smiled helplessly and somewhat bitterly. "Do you think I should be happy?"

"What do you think? You're the mother. You should be elated that you're carrying a child. The attitude of a mother-to-be like you is really annoying."

Did she resent being pregnant?

"But the child is going to be taken away by you anyway. We are destined to be separated!" Lin Xiangwan responded without provoking the authoritative old grandma, her tone was somber.

The old grandma's temper was softened by this poignant reality, she couldn't help but immerse in this impending... well-known tragedy.

"Do you really like the sick boy? Will you marry him in the future?" the old grandma inquired.

Song Yichen?

Lin Xiangwan's heart tightened again, the pain causing her nose to tingle. She gently shook her head while maintaining a smile. "Of course not, he's just my brother!"

"Oh..." The old grandma stood up. "You get some rest, I'll leave."

"Grandma, wait..." Lin Xiangwan handed over the rose cookies she baked. "I made these. Try them. See if they're good!"

"Huh?" The old grandma was surprised, but also delighted. "Didn't you say you don't like to cook? How come you still know how to bake?"

"Yeah, I don't know how to cook meals, but I quite enjoy baking. I saw a lot of roses outside, so I used them!"

The old grandma asked again. "Don't you dislike me? Why would you give me food?"

"There are too many 'whys'. I don't know how to respond. Maybe I shouldn't give it to you then!" Lin Xiangwan pretended to take it back.

The old grandma held it firmly. "What's this about taking back a gift you've given!"

"Then don't ask why..."

As expected, the old grandma took the cookies and left without a word.

Two months later, the doctor announced even more significant news.

"Congratulations, Miss Lin, you're having twins!" the doctor said after the examination.

Lin Xiangwan was in such shock that she couldn't utter a word, just looking down at her belly. "Twins..."

She was having two babies!

"Two..." The old grandma held up two fingers, looking astonished.

The doctor nodded. "Yes!"

"Good, good..." The old lady, overwhelmed with emotions, began to shed tears of joy and hurriedly said, "This calls for a reward; everyone is rewarded!"

With that, she instructed the butler cum assistant to hand the doctor a stack of cash and specially prepare a hefty bonus for Lin Xiangwan.

Looking at the thick red envelope in her hand, Lin Xiangwan suddenly had an impulsive thought. "Grandma, I don't want this money. Can you leave one of the children in my womb to me?"

"Leave one to you? Of course not, do you think they are kittens or puppies? How can you casually ask for one? They are all my little grandsons, all my treasures, and nobody can take them away!" the old grandma firmly refused.

"Then I don't want the red envelope either. You have already given me a lot of money. I can't accept something for nothing!"

The old lady insisted on bestowing it to her, cheerfully said, "Take it. You did well by carrying two babies at once; you deserve a reward!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to accept red envelopes now!!" Lin Xiangwan stated unhappily.

The old grandma grabbed Lin Xiangwan's hand and gently patted it. "You naughty girl, always contradicting me, how come I just like you more and more? Look, you and my grandson together that one time, and you got twins. It proves that you two indeed share a certain bond..."

Although this girl was quite sharp-tongued, her character was precisely what the old grandma enjoyed; she liked this girl and was willing to let her become her daughter-in-law.

"Um..." Lin Xiangwan didn't know how to respond.

Whenever she thought of the man from that night, her face would instantly flush. He was the father of the child in her womb.

But speaking of destiny?

She didn't really think so.

The old lady, mentioning her grandson, started crying again, sobbing, "If my grandson can come back safely, you two will marry. I'll arrange it!"

"No, no, no, thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept such a big gift!" Lin Xiangwan was so startled she nearly dropped her eyes.

In her life, she only loved Song Yichen. She never thought about marrying another man. She couldn't betray him.

Although she probably won't have the face to be with Yichen anymore in this lifetime!

She did not want to marry any other man either.

Once the old lady took a liking to Lin Xiangwan, she had no hesitation, she removed the jadeite peace pendant from her neck. "Here, I'll put this on you, this signifies that you're now my daughter-in-law!"

"No....." Lin Xiangwan waved her hands. "How can this be....."

"You're not allowed to reject me!" the old lady rebuked unhappily.

The butler quickly stepped forward to persuade, "Girl, quickly accept it, this is your good fortune. Don't anger the old lady!"


"There's no but. You're carrying our family's children; do you still want to marry someone else? In the future, your family will be together. How blessed!" The old lady didn't give others a chance to argue, she simply put the necklace on Lin Xiangwan.

Lin Xiangwan felt her heart being squeezed; she and her children would always be together?

Such an unplanned event tugged at her heart, making her hesitate. Ten months later, can she really leave her child behind?

She sternly warned herself, she must renounce any emotional attachment to the child.

Only then... could she make a harsh decision.