107 Home Revenge_1

Qin Muchuan took the early morning flight back to Jiangcheng City the next day. Unlike his previous solitary travels, this time he was accompanied by a 'little princess'.

Lin Haoran got out of the car and was awestruck by the sight of the hotel. "Xi-Lai-Duo..."

Qin Muchuan grasped his daughter's little hand and walked towards the hotel entrance. "You'll stay with daddy in the hotel for a few days. After a while, we'll move back home!"

After the incident with Xu Jingya, he no longer felt secure leaving his child in B City.

With excellent grades and still in nursery school, he should be able to find a nice nursery in Jiangcheng City during their stay.

"Home? Daddy, do you have a home here?" Lin Haoran, her hair braided into two ponytails and wearing a hat, asked anxiously.

"There's an apartment!"

"Ahh? Are you hiding a mistress?"

Qin Muchuan frowned, unsure of how to respond to his daughter. "Tongtong, you've grown wise, haven't you?"