Familiar Golden House_1

Lin Xiangwan didn't expect that Su Yueze, this domineering man, would soon claim himself to be her boyfriend.

Besides picking up her child, he also took them to a restaurant for a meal and then showed them a house.

"Look, what do you think? Are you satisfied with this house?"

Su Yueze opened a flat in a luxury residential area. Before entering, they could see the soft glow reflected off the smooth ceramic tiles, and looking up, the grandiose living room was so impressive that one couldn't bear to blink.

The entire house was decorated in a rustic style, with all the wood used being solid. The yellow crystal light reflected off the light blue patterned wallpaper, creating a tranquil and simple elegance, exuding an understated sense of luxury.

The elegant curtains fluttered with the evening breeze, exuding a warmth that felt like home.

This was exactly the kind of house Lin Xiangwan always wanted, she couldn't help but linger.