352 Her Perfume Scent _1

Qin Muchuan's brow furrowed. "Why bring her up again?"

"I just want to!" Lin Xiangwan retorted defiantly, like a child who must have a certain doll and will not let the matter go without receiving it.

It was that exact feeling.

She clung to his arm, swinging it back and forth. "Tell me, quickly! Was your ex-girlfriend very pretty?"

"Not pretty!" Qin Muchuan declared with certainty, a blatant lie he crafted just to cater to her mood.

"But, weren't you saying you were quite lecherous? If this woman wasn't pretty, wouldn't you not even glance at her?" she countered.

"That was time at the military camp." Qin Muchuan agreed with her and justified the circumstances.

"Hmm, I suppose there is some sense in that!"

"That's how it is!"

"Then aren't you rather superficial?" Lin Xiangwan said, raising her little hand to point aimlessly at his chest. "To like someone like that! No, that's not right. Even if she wasn't pretty, you still liked her, so you must have liked her soul then?"