353 All is due to bad habits_1

Not long after Qin Muchuan had left, Lin Xiangwan rose from her bed.

She took a bath and then put on some makeup.

While she was dallying in the shower room, she saw Qin Muchuan's clothes in the laundry basket!

Out of habit, she picked up his clothes and started feeling in the pockets.

Butler Liu walked in, seeing her actions, he smiled. "Miss is so meticulous. However, the young master is also very careful, he would never leave anything in his pockets!"

"I know, but I have OCD. I get restless if I see dirty clothes and don't check their pockets. I'm always afraid that something important will be damaged in the wash. This habit started when I was at school. At that time, a kind aunt came to the orphanage, and she liked me very much. She secretly gave me two hundred yuan and asked me to save it! Two hundred yuan was a tremendous sum then, I was practically fainting!"